Emails delivered to Inbox - 2 different addresses allowed?



I am helping a small business in town with their website/email. I created a
website for them with yahoo and they receive email addresses that come along
with it. The owner wants to know if I can have their Outlook inbox have both
their old emails going to their inbox and also their new email addresses
delivered to the same inbox so they don't forget to check one of them. Then
when they reply, they want the new email address to be the reply.

They do not have an Exchange server and they are running, I believe, Outlook
2002 or 03.

Is it possible to do this or will they just need to check both temporarily?


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

POP3? Sure, but double check the version - if older than 2002, its harder.

Make two accounts in the profile - one for each address. Use the new address
in the From and Reply fields of the old acct when you set it up and set the
SMTP new SMTP server, not the old one. Make sure you are properly
authenticating with the outgoing SMTP.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I am helping a small business in town with their website/email. I created
website for them with yahoo and they receive email addresses that come
with it. The owner wants to know if I can have their Outlook inbox have
their old emails going to their inbox and also their new email addresses
delivered to the same inbox so they don't forget to check one of them.
when they reply, they want the new email address to be the reply.

They should be able to define two accounts, one for each mailbox. Exactly
how is version-specific and you decided not to mention that, so the account
settings are left as an exercise for the reader.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

They should be able to define two accounts, one for each mailbox. Exactly
how is version-specific and you decided not to mention that, so the
account settings are left as an exercise for the reader.

Well, you did mention 2002/2003, so what I said about the omission is not
quite accurate. See Tools>E-mail accounts which ever version of these two.
Help>add an account should supply info as well.

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