Emails Received, but not to be found - Outlook 2007



I both an Exchange account set up for when I'm at the office, and a POP3
account set up (which points to the same server, 'cept via the Internet) for
when I'm at home. Both accounts are set to download all messages and store
them int he same PST file. Has worked fine for years. Moving to 2007, when
I'm at home I send/receive via the POP3 account, the status line shows the
progress of downloading however many emails are waiting for me on the
Exchange server, but when it's finished downloading, the emails are no where
to be found. I've checked the junk mail folder, etc, etc, but I can't find
them. When I go into the office, and go online, i get all of the messages
(including the bunch of test messages that I'd sent to myself from home)
since I have "Leave a copy on teh server checked forthe POP3 account. Anyone
know where they go??


Wow, Thanks for the host of ideas - you guys think I'm making this stuff up?

F. H. Muffman

RFPulsifer said:
Wow, Thanks for the host of ideas - you guys think I'm making this stuff

Maybe no one has an idea? Why do you automatically assume everyone thinks
you're making things up?

Do you see the messages in the Unread Messages search folder?
In the Inbox, does the Status Bar say 'Filter Applied'?
Do you have any Add-ins? Any Rules?

Also, lastly, have you considered asking the IT folks if you would be able
to use RPC over HTTP instead of POP3? It's much more convienent and would
give you access to your entire mailbox rather than just the Inbox.

Office Asst. III

I am having the same problem. I can send email. However, incoming mail
appears in the inbox, when I try to open the email, an error message
appears.... "the operation is not supported until the entire message is
downloaded. Download message again". This started a few days ago.


What type of email account?

Bill R
Office Asst. III said:
I am having the same problem. I can send email. However, incoming mail
appears in the inbox, when I try to open the email, an error message
appears.... "the operation is not supported until the entire message is
downloaded. Download message again". This started a few days ago.

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