I should know the answer to this question as I've been fooling with webs
for years, but...
I discovered that since many new (flat screen) monitor sizes are out, my web
photos appear stretched on some browsers, and not necessarily widescreen
monitors either. This site actually looks fine on a widescreen.
Now, I've published this web www.westwindentertainment.com from my
widescreen monitor recently, but I did NOT create it on my widescreen and I
never resized any photos either.
I think the monitor I saw this on might have been (I'm guessing) a 17"
monitor and the resolution might have been 1024 X 768 (stretched), but I
can't be sure. And the photos all seemed stretched.
And this site looks fine on smaller laptops, at least it shows fine on the
13" Macbook.
Could anyone help me make some sense of this? How do I preview for different
browser sizes from within Frontpage?
I appreciate any assistance or help on this - it's embarassing to ask this
question in the first place,....Frank B.
I should know the answer to this question as I've been fooling with webs
for years, but...
I discovered that since many new (flat screen) monitor sizes are out, my web
photos appear stretched on some browsers, and not necessarily widescreen
monitors either. This site actually looks fine on a widescreen.
Now, I've published this web www.westwindentertainment.com from my
widescreen monitor recently, but I did NOT create it on my widescreen and I
never resized any photos either.
I think the monitor I saw this on might have been (I'm guessing) a 17"
monitor and the resolution might have been 1024 X 768 (stretched), but I
can't be sure. And the photos all seemed stretched.
And this site looks fine on smaller laptops, at least it shows fine on the
13" Macbook.
Could anyone help me make some sense of this? How do I preview for different
browser sizes from within Frontpage?
I appreciate any assistance or help on this - it's embarassing to ask this
question in the first place,....Frank B.