Embed Excel Spreadsheet in PowerPoint and Show Its Multiple Worksh



Issue: I'd like to embed an Excel spreadsheet within a PowerPoint
presentation, and show different areas of the spreadsheet in different
slides, without the whole spreadsheet being replicated for each view. I
cannot use object linking, only object embedding. Right now, PowerPoint will
embed the same file for each view, which is creating exponential file sizes.

Rationale: We often need to show multiple views of data sets that are
contained in the same Excel spreadsheet, either in different cell ranges or
in different worksheets. For instance, I might have a spreadsheet that
contains a tab (worksheet) for revenue, one for sales (and associated sales
people/revenue ratios) and one for manufacturing (and associated mfg/revenue

If the spreadsheet is big, we'd like PowerPoint to include it only once as
an embedded object, but still allow multiple views into the embedded
spreadsheet. In the example above, I'd like to show the 3 worksheets in 3
different places of my PowerPoint document.

Linking to a spreadsheet based on a server is not practical for email based
exchange: often the server data is firewalled, or the person receiving the
presentation is offline when opening it, or...

Brian Reilly, MVP

In addition to Glenna's suggestions, here's how I would do this, a
trick learned from Rob Bovey, one of the best Excel MVP's.

Since copy and paste as XL object embeds then entire workbook you want
to copy the data to a new workbook, trim that to a single page and
copy and paste that into PPT. You end up embedding just that single

In your case, you seem to have very large worksheets and you only want
a small range of that worksheet each time. So open a new workbook,
trim it to one worksheet and copy and paste just the range you want,
e.g. Sales to that new workbook. Repeat for each section. You could
even use the same second intermediate workbook over and over after
deleting previous data.

You will end up with very small files.

Brian Reilly, MVP


I am actually trying to do something similar to what bouvierj wanted to do. I want to show one workbook in different slides, but I also want to update the values in the workbook as an option. For example, the sheet in slide 2 might have references to values in sheet 1. If sheet 1 of the work book is located on slide 1, and sheet 2 is located on slide 2, then if I change something in sheet 1, the appropriate changes should occur in sheet 2 since there are equations that reference sheet 1.

I have not a clue how to do this. The method you supplied seems to work if you didn't need to update the values and there are no references between sheets.

Please help!

Steve Rindsberg

I am actually trying to do something similar to what bouvierj wanted to do. I want to show one
workbook in different slides, but I also want to update the values in the workbook as an option.
For example, the sheet in slide 2 might have references to values in sheet 1. If sheet 1 of the
work book is located on slide 1, and sheet 2 is located on slide 2, then if I change something in
sheet 1, the appropriate changes should occur in sheet 2 since there are equations that reference
sheet 1.
I have not a clue how to do this. The method you supplied seems to work if you didn't need to
update the values and there are no references between sheets.

That's the problem with embedding rather than linking. Each embedded object is a distinct copy of
the embedded spreadsheet that's completely unaware of the other copies. You might be able to write
code to update both instances or to compare one instance with another and update each, but it
wouldn't be trivial.

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