EMBED Picture in Word 2003



I am having a problem with the version of Word 2003 on my home computer. I
am doing a class exercise which requires me to add a chart to a Word
document. I do this by going to the Insert -> Picture -> Chart. It then
brings up a sample chart which I can either edit or use as is. It is
supposed to be brought into the document when I click in the document
outside of the chart. This process works fine on the computer I have at the
lab at school. However, on my own computer at home all I get is a one line
message about an embeddded chart when I try to click outside the chart to
bring it into the document. I saw something in the Knowledge Base that I
could fix that by highlighting the embed message and hitting Cntl-Shift-F9
but that doesn't work.

Is there some setting I have wrong perhaps? I have tried uninstalling and
reinstalling office several times to no avail. Otherwise most of the normal
functionality seems all right.

Any help would be appreciated.

Rafiq R. Ali

Have you tried Alt+F9? That is the shortcut for toggling field codes. I'd do
this before I did Cntl+Shift+F9.

Rafiq R. Ali

Lene Fredborg

The problem could be that you are in "show field codes" mode. Try to press
Alt+F9 to toggle field codes.

F9 toggles between showing field codes and showing field results.
Ctrl+Shift+F9 unlinks fields so that only the contents remain, the field is


Thank you both for your quick responses. Unfortunately, there was no change
when I tried to use the Alt-F9 combination. I think my problem probably
runs deeper but I don't have a handle on it. One thing I did notice is that
when I opened the chart to work on it, the title bar of the chart said
'Microsoft Graph'. On the computer at the lab at school it just said
'Microsoft Word'. Am I perhaps pulling in some bad software or is there a
registry setting that needs to be tweaked. At this point any help will be
greatly appreciated.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

In Word, click on Tools | Options | View tab | uncheck the boxes
for "All", "Hidden text", and "Field codes" | Print tab | uncheck
the boxes for "Hidden text" and "Field codes" | OK.


Thank you for the post. Unfortunately, this one didn't help either. Maybe
I need to reinstall windows and start over. Any other ideas out there?


Graham Mayor

Depending on what is installed on your PC there could be more than one chart
option available. Mine for example has both Microsoft Graph Chart and
Microsoft Excel Chart - check insert > object and see what you have listed.

Do you have Microsoft Graph installed? Re-run Office setup from Windows
Control panel add or remove programs - you'll find Micrsoft Graph in the
Office Tools section.

Your problem has nothing to do with Windows and reinstalling that while
amusing would be a waste of time.

What is the *eaxct* message you get from Word.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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