Embed styles in Word template or create them on the fly - pros and cons?



Hi All

Shauna Genius has provided me with some great code to get round my
background colours issue in my VB6 to MS Word table using VBA, but involves
creating some bespoke styles.

My question is, would I benefit from pre-creating the styles in my Word doc
template file or would it make no difference if I created these styles via
VBA at runtime?

I'm going to need about 20 different styles at any one time, so I'm waying
up the odds which is best option.


Shauna Kelly


My general rule is: put the styles in the template unless you absolutely
can't do it any other way but on the fly.

However, if I'm building a complex template for a client over a period of
time, I always create code to create the template. That means I can
re-create the template and its styles from scratch whenever I need to (eg
when the template decides to acquire some corruption, as one did just this
week). But that's for industrial strength jobs; for routine things I just
open the template and modify the styles there. In both cases the net result
is the same: the styles are in the template.

But let's see what others think, too.


Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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