Embedded Attachments



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I'm a converted PC to Mac user and was unable to find how to turn off embedding attachments into the body of the email. Is this possible?

Michel Bintener


just to be clear: are you talking about composing new messages? How do you
insert the attachments? Do you drag them into the document window? If your
e-mail is in HTML format, Entourage will automatically try to insert them
into the text body. In that case, you can try the following:

* use the command Message>Add Attachments.
* click on the Add button in the Attachments section.
* when dragging, make sure you drag the files onto the Attachments section
* use plain text; Entourage will automatically add the attachments instead
of embedding them.


PDF's are still embedded in plain text. It must be a Leopard issue I guess. Word docs were just attached and not embedded. I send docs to PC users and wanted them just to be attached and not embedded in text.


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