Embedded excel worksheet in word prints gridlines


Preston Smith

I think that this might be a bug.

We prepare financial statements in word with excel spreadsheets embedded for
the financial information which allows for better formatting and number
alignment and for formulas.

This worked fine in office 97, but with office XP when we insert a new
workbook in a word document it prints off with faint gray gridlines. The
options on the spreadsheet to print gridlines is not checked and there are
no borders whatsoever in the workbook.

If I mess around with the format object/layout then eventually the gridlines
go away, but I must select "other" for horizontal alignment, if any other H
alignment is checked then the gridlines remain.

On workbooks that were converted over from word 97 with the spreadsheets
already embedded they can be edited and no gridlines, however if I copy an
existing spreadsheet and paste it to another part of the document then the
gridlines appear, or if a new one is added.

Please help! This is very frustrating and I end up wasting dozens of pages
printing them off and adjusting layout until they go away! (I can't tell if
they are gone by the preview because word has these lines in the print
preview for all embedded spreadsheets.)



Alison S

Hi Preston,

In Word, double-click on the embedded sheet, then go to
Tools\Options... View tab. Under Window options, turn off Gridlines.
This will mean the gridlines are not visible in the sheet and
therefore Word can't print them. I just double-checked this in XP and
it worked.


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