Embedded Fonts-Preview Only-Can't Save Changes



I have a 24 page newsmagazine schedule to go to the printers on
Tuesday. I've used Publisher and this printer often (they are very
Publisher-friendly) but never with color, so that's a whole new
learning curve for me.

Problem is: I've been working with this publication now for several
months...adding, fixing, etc. Today I made quite a few changes, and
when I went to save, it gave me the dreaded message about "one or more
embedded fonts used in this publication are preview-only. You can
edit the publication using preview-only fonts, but you cannot save the
changes, re-open the publication without loading preview-only fonts.
Press F1, blah..blah"

I looked at Tools==Commercial Printing Tools===Fonts and in my list,
one font WP TypographicalSymbols, says "preview-only" I looked
through my document and found the only one instance when I used a WP
Typographical symbol and told it to not embed that font, but it still
won't let me save the document. I unclicked Embed Fonts. I think
I've done all that I know of to do (apparently not?) Is there a way
for me not to lose my day's worth of changes on the document.

If not (and I'm prepared for that...I can go back and re-do what needs
to be done), most importantly---how do I keep this from happening
again? Apparently I've not got something ticked correctly as far as
font embedding/previewing goes?

Any thoughts appreciated.


What version of Publisher are you using???

What happens if you do a 'SAVE AS' with another file name?


Mike Koewler


A stab in the dark? That font license doesn't allow embedding? Have you
tried replacing that font with another one?



I'm sorry. It's Publisher 2002 on Windows Home XP SP1
I've been a happy Publisher user for a long while, and this
publication has given me no problems in all the months I've been
working on it...until the day before it goes to the printers.

When I try to File==Save As and give it another name, I get the same

I did replace the font, but it still shows up on the font list...I
guess because I can't save any changes???

Okie, dokie...guess there is no solution. As I said, I really don't
mind re-doing my day's lost work, but I don't know how to reassure it
won't happen again. :-(



this is one of the fonts installed with Word perfect. It is a truetype font.
and, unfortunately, it may be that it is an older version that doesn't
permit embedding.

if you have the T1 version try using that. pack and go won't handle it, but
you can include it separately.

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