embedded graphics



Most of my embedded graphics disappeared.
Anybody know how to recover from this or why it happened?


Perhaps if you'd provide some detail - including which version of Word, file
format, etc. - someone might be able to offer additional suggestions. Even
if it doesn't help the current situation it may help avoid future loss:)


I have a 100 page Word document that from time to time loses most of its
embedded images.
I hate it when that happens!
Does anybody know why it does that and how can I prevent it?
I am using Word 2003 on Windows XP.
The document has held together through a dozen iterations.
Now, most images are gone from all the iterations except the original files
from the client!
I did a copy and paste process yesterday, which seemed to go ok.
but after I closed and reopened the document, the images were blank again!
Although there wer blank images on top of the original blank images!

1) I am looking at the document in Print Layout View.
2) I have set Tools, Options, View, Drawings to ON.
3) I have tried shutting down and restarting my computer.
4) I have set the graphics hardware accelerator to a low
level.(Display>Settings>Advanced>Troubleshoot>slider to Low or None!)

Any suggestions or advice gratefully accepted!


In those same View Options is there a check in the box for Picture
Placeholders? Clear it.

If the doc has gone through as many revisions as you suggest it is also
possible that it has become corrupted - epecially if the *originals* are OK
and the revisions are the ones having the problem. It still isn't clear,
though, whether you're dealing with _one_ document or several different
copies of it. The first point below suggests that it's one doc that
"sometimes" displays the images & "sometimes" doesn't. Then later you refer
to "all the iterations". I'm sure you're clear in your mind, but it isn't as
obvious to those who aren't there to see it:)

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