Embedding an Image into a cell


Steve Carpineta

Good morning/afternoon/evening loyal microsoft patrons,

My question is this:

Is it possible to embed an image in a cell?

My practical problem is:

I am using the Template Wizard with excel to have a form
that many users possess send data to a central database
on our server. This database holds information regarding
ongoing projects. One of the fields we'd like to include
is a PROJECT_IMAGE field which would hold an embedded
(i'm guessing?) image. Ideally, we'd like some way to
neatly include images with each record in a large
database, but when i do "Insert - Image - From File," the
image does not, nor do any remnants of it, appear in the
central database.

Any ideas/suggestions/strategies? Thanks a lot in
advance for those willing to take a minute and respond.

-Steve Carpineta
Matco Electric Corp.


I did something like this by capturing the image filename with the
record so that when someone else loads that record the image can
retrieve from the server and not make the worksheet giant.
Is that a possibility you have tried?


steve carpineta


A very interesting idea. Would you mind elaborating a
bit? What do you mean by "capturing the image filename
with the record?"

I'd appreciate your help a lot! Thanks,



What are these images named? For instance my application had
SKU numbers and images were named for those SKU numbers so the record
for SSY00157 loads an image for that SKU. How do you assign the
embedded image now?
I create the image file location in a string and dump it to this...

Sheet1.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(wholething)

We create inventory records and someone else gets around to taking the
pictures whever, so eventually the image will be available and when it
isn't yet I have a default image of "noPhoto.jpg"

The way you attach the file location can be done using a common dialog
box the same way you do when you embed an image. The easy way is to
name images the same way as the item in the record.

You can get all of this to Popup in a form when you double-click on a
cell or have a fixed Inserted Picture on the sheet.

Hope I explained it. My code is too embarassing to show everyone here.
But it should get you started



As shown you can use code to show/link an image.
However it is not, and can not be imbedded inside a cell.
You can make it "appear imbedded" and move with cells.

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