OLE is supported in Mac Office. Having said that, I don't know of any
applications except Microsoft Office that takes advantage of it on the Mac.
When Microsoft first brought out OLE for Office they made a big deal of it
and made it sound like soon everyone would be making files that would work
as OLE objects. in April, 1996 "From the flood of OLE-enabled applications
released with Windows®95, it is quite clear that OLE Controls are being
implemented ubiquitously"
I don't know of many OLE compliant applications other than Office, although
I have heard of one or two over the years. Whether OLE is really hard to
implement, undesirable to implement, or there are licensing restrictions,
lack of developer support or some combination of these things, it went over
like a lead balloon - especially on the Macintosh since Macs supported
Open-Doc around the time Microsoft was touting OLE
Here's a web site that describes the opposite of what you are seeking. It
lets you use OLE to put Office documents into other apps:
If you do a search for information about OLE you'll find plenty of it to
keep you busy for days.
Actually I think Microsoft has scaled back on OLE since the mid-90's. At one
time you could always double-click an embedded OLE object and that would
start the application that created the document (that was called the
"application server.") That only works with certain documents these days.
I'm probably beating my head against the wall here, but I still think
hyperlinking provides a functional equivalent to OLE. Put a small picture or
clip-art into a document and have it linked to the OmniGraffle file. You can
made the OmniGraffle file hidden in the same folder so your recipients don't
open it unless it is accessed via the link.
-Jim Gordon
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