Embedding formatted tables in a macro




I currently use a macro that calls an autotext entry to insert a certain
table that is repeatedly used through the document. The autotext entry is in
the normal.dot template and the macro is embedded in the document with a
button to call it.

I would like to distribute the doucment to others in my workgroup, but
cannot do this as structured. Many reaons, one of which is that the autotext
entry cannot be part of their normal.dot template, and creating another
template is not possible.

The best solution is to somehow imbed the table, with all of its formatting,
into a macro that will be imbedded in the document, so that the document can
be dispersed among the workgroup and the doucument operations will be
self-contained. However, I am at a loss as to how to embed the table in the

Any held would be appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Calling an AutoText entry should not require a macro. Why not create a
template instead of a document, and you can then save the AutoText entry in
the template and distribute the template? This will not trigger an macro
warnings, and users can insert the AutoText entry in any of the usual ways.


Hi Suzanne,

I am/was using a macro because the table has to be inserted at a specific
point in a document that will keep having materials added to it; i.e. I need
to use the macro so that the table will be "placed" in the right spot. I'm
tying to find a workaround solution rather than the one Jay suggested (BTW,
thanks Jay) of having to create a macro while going throught the steps of
creating a complex table. I was hoping to find some way to embend the
prepared table in the macro, but it seems as through that may not be


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