I have recently set up a model through SQL Server Reporting Services
accepting all defaults. Currently I'm trying to use this model to create a
report for some custom enterprise fields we have added. For example, we
added a deliverable flag as an enterprise fields with a task category and I
would like to report on this flag using report builder. Here are my questions:
1. It appears that I'm able to access this field in the msp epm CP table,
but the names are CF Val 1-22. Is there a way to have these field reflect the
name we entered for the enterprise field (i.e. deliverable), or make them a
little more descriptive, so we can tell which field is which?
2. Also, in reporting on this new task field, when I select Epm Task as my
primary table, I'm not able to see the CP task table as a table related to
Emp task. How do I gain the relationship between the epm task and emp
cptask tables, so I can report on the deliverable flag as it relates to a
task in report builder. My goal is to create a list of the task for the
project off the task table and then indicate if each task is deliverable by
using the indicator in the CP task table.
I have recently set up a model through SQL Server Reporting Services
accepting all defaults. Currently I'm trying to use this model to create a
report for some custom enterprise fields we have added. For example, we
added a deliverable flag as an enterprise fields with a task category and I
would like to report on this flag using report builder. Here are my questions:
1. It appears that I'm able to access this field in the msp epm CP table,
but the names are CF Val 1-22. Is there a way to have these field reflect the
name we entered for the enterprise field (i.e. deliverable), or make them a
little more descriptive, so we can tell which field is which?
2. Also, in reporting on this new task field, when I select Epm Task as my
primary table, I'm not able to see the CP task table as a table related to
Emp task. How do I gain the relationship between the epm task and emp
cptask tables, so I can report on the deliverable flag as it relates to a
task in report builder. My goal is to create a list of the task for the
project off the task table and then indicate if each task is deliverable by
using the indicator in the CP task table.