Empl application tracker

  • Thread starter quinto via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

quinto via AccessMonster.com

I need employee application tracker. Is there a download available?

Applcation date
Start Date
Separated Date
Tot Days InTraining
BTW Date
Cadetting Date
Projected Graduating Date.

How many apllcation
Total hired
Total in training
Total cadetting
Total separation
Avarage days in training (If saparated)
How many sched to graduate (by date)




This is a very simple application, but, as you specify it, very customized to

You're not going to find it pre-done.

Michael Gramelspacher

I think you need to explain the senario in words.

Who is the applicant? Do you have a table of applicants?

Is there a course number or name for this training? Is there a class number?

Application Date must be the date from the application for training, correct?

What is status1? Is it supposed to mean applicant was accepted?

Start Date is probably the first day of training, correct?

What is separated Date, the date the training quit or was dismissed?

Tot Days in Training. Is this the prescribed number of days the training runs, or is it the days
the applicant completed? This is a computed field and not part of the table.

BTW Date. I cannot guess.

Cadeting Date. Is this the date of graduation from training?

Projected Graduation Date is probably a computed value and probably not part of a table.

You probably need fiur tables. Applicants: facts about the applicant.
Training: Facts about the traing course. TrainingClasses: facts about a particular class.
ApplicantsTraining: a relationship between Applicant and TrainingClasses and facts pertaining to a
particular applicant and a particular training class.

If you do not get the tables set up correctly, you are just begging for problems later.
You are also a long way from reporting summary facts about these tables.

There plenty of experts here -- I am not one of them -- who will help you with specific aspects.

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