Employee Bonus Tracker over multiple spreadsheets



I am trying to create a spreadsheet to keep track of employee's bonuses
and awards. So I have three worksheets in a workbook. 1st worksheet:
Awards, 2nd worksheet: Bonuses, 3rd worksheet: Budget. Awards and
Bonuses both have monetary value. On the budget worksheet I want to
be able to have the budget automatically update based on the date of
the award/bonus. So if Susie gets a $200 Bonus on 8/8/2006 - when I
type August or 8/8/2006 into the budget worksheet I want it to subtract
$200 from the bonus budget. Another problem I run into is that there
are two different types of Bonuses so I want to be able to sort those
by name. Also each employee may have 3,4,5,6 awards and numerous
bonuses so it has to be able to handle multiple entries for one

I really hope this makes sense b/c I have been playing aroudn with it
for awhile and can't seem to make it work.


you're an idiot.

use a database.

or find someone that does.

Excel isn't for reporting; it isn't a database.

and pulling data from multiple spreadsheets?

come on; the year is 2006 not 1989.

learn databases or find someone that knows them.



Thank you that was so helpful! Do you really have that much free time
to respond to an "idiot"?

That is not what this posting is about - I obviously didn't know how to
do it or else I would not have posted. So I appreciate your suggestion
but certainly don't appreciate the presentation.



In case you aren't aware, Aaron is a moron. He always sticks his
cents worth into many things, and never gives assistance of any kind.
Do a search on "Aaron" or "Aaron Kempf" and you'll see what I mean.

For him to come charging at you and call you an idiot is typical of hi
assinine and immature rantings.

Pay him no attention....... he din't single you out. He just seems t
enjoy cussing and swearing at people and their questions.

Good luck in your question


Excel Dorks;

Eat my shorts and grow some balls.

Excel is for BABIES.

Maybe if you werent knee-deep in a dozen spreadsheets-- then maybe your
life wouldn't be so complex.

Long term-- do you want to swim through 100 spreadsheets forever?

Long-term; the best solution is to build a database to keep track of



Really Aaron......

Here is a good opportunity to help someone, namely Carly, and you agai
show nothing worthwhile. Show us what you've got, if you can.
Excel Dorks;

Speak for yourself
Eat my shorts and grow some balls.

Um.... no real comment, except this is typical of you when you don'
have a valid response.
Excel is for BABIES.

Then show us the wisdom of your ways, oh ancient one.
Maybe if you werent knee-deep in a dozen spreadsheets-- then mayb
life wouldn't be so complex.

Actually, life is pretty good. It seems like it's YOUR life that i
complex, caused by your lack of computer abilities.
Long term-- do you want to swim through 100 spreadsheets forever?

Where in the original posting did it say anything about 10
spreadsheets, you clown?
Long-term; the best solution is to build a database to keep track of

Again, show us something real, not more of your BS



You must be a lab-rat that escaped from a mutation experiment.

Now you're on a jag about Carly talking about 100 spreadsheets, when in
fact, here is what she initially said: "I am trying to create a
spreadsheet to keep track of employee's bonuses and awards. So I have
three worksheets in a workbook. "

As you can see, you mental midget, she was talking about ONE
spreadsheet with three worksheets. You don't even know the difference
between spreadsheets and worksheets. And where the heck did you come
up with the "100 spreadsheet" stuff?

And last, but not least.....you have to be a pretty low-class jerk to
talk the way you do ("...the bitch....."). You must make your mommy
real proud. Or do you think the way you use your toilet mouth is
impressive? Get a clue, lowlife; your mouth matches your mind and is
definitely NOT impressive.

Has your medication worn off? Or did your mom stop giving you an

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