Employee vs Manager View



I have a form with 2 views - one for an employee (without the approval
section) and one for a manager (with the approval section). However, when
the employee completes the form and it is automatically sent to the manager,
once opened by the manager it brings up the view from the employee. How can
I have the form present the manager view if submitted by an employee?

Shiraz Cupala

What you will need to do is set a rule onLoad to switch views based on the
fact that the form has been submitted. The hard part is how do you determine
that. When the employee submits to the manager, is there any status field
that is set? If so you can make the view switch conditional based on that.
Another way is if the manager is always the same and you know that person's
machine login name then you can hardcode into the form to only switch to
manager view if that person opens the form. The onload rules can be set by
going to Tools::FormOptions and then click the open/save rules button.

I hope this helps!

J Travis M

In addition to Mr. Cupala's solution, you could use rules to change the view
based on user role, or based on identifying information entered by the user,
preferably in a drop down so you can be specific about the conditions. Other
ways I have used are to use a rule on submit event to change views, or you
could also just use a single view with a section that is conditionally hidden
or read-only (so the employee can see the status but not change it), which I
think would reduce the size of the template. With conditionally hidden or RO
sections I have also used a "password" field to activate functionality with
pretty good sucess. Remember though that Infopath is not truely secure, as a
savvy employee could view xml source and update the information as he so
chooses (*evil grin*).

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