Empty Columns in CrossTab



Hey all,

I have a CrossTab Question.

I am trying to produce a crosstab query for a listbox
which uses peoples' initials as the column headings. Here
are the details:

Table 1:
Person ID text
Report Name text
Hours double

Table 2:
Person ID text
Initials text

The crosstab is based on these two tables which are
related by "Table 1 RIGHT JOIN Table 2". What I want is
to have a column heading for every person in table 2, even
if there are no records for that person in table 1.

Setting the column headings property won't work because
Table 2 names will be changing. So far, the right join
has given me the column headings with no data in the
columns and I have eliminted the correcponging empty rows
via the switch function (switched to a row value that will
always be included). Cool so far.

The problem is when the listbox attempts to display the
results of the crosstab ... it eliminates the empty
columns that I created (and want).

If I were to set the crosstab's column headings property
(based on table 2 results) in VBA just prior to requerying
the listbox, would the empty columns show up properly? Is
there an easier way?


(note: both table 1 and 2 are actually queries, but for
simplicity I won't go into them ... they both work

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