The Enable Macros message means there is a macro intercepting your standard
Print command. Word commands won't trigger a macro warning. If you are
trying to print "normally" then you may not want to enable the macros but
instead remove the offending macro that has intercepted your Print command.
To find it, first are you seeing the Developer tab in the Ribbon? If not,
click the Microsoft Office Button, click Word Options, and in the Popular
section, turn on "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon". Then on the Developer
tab, click Macros and see if there is a macro named FilePrint or
FilePrintDefault (or both). Once found, change the "Macros In" list and
narrow down where the macro is stored. If in your Normal template then
select the macro and click the Edit button and attempt to determine what the
macro is doing. (You can copy/paste the macro for us to take a look at it if
you'd like.) Then either rename or delete the macro. If the macro is found
in a another template then locate the template, exit Word, and move it out
the folder. It would likely be a Startup folder, either under Word or
Office. This will prevent it from loading when Word starts.
If you don't see a macro then post back and we'll go from there.
Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.
Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:
Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site: