I am running WinXP professional and Office 2003. Upon
closing Word (and Outlook) I get the following error
Microsoft Visual Basic!
The macros in this prosject are disabled. Please refer to
online help or doocumentation of the host application to
determine how to enable macros.
The instructions in the message are not helpfull to me.
How do I "enable macros" in this case; i.e. how do I make
this error message go away"
closing Word (and Outlook) I get the following error
Microsoft Visual Basic!
The macros in this prosject are disabled. Please refer to
online help or doocumentation of the host application to
determine how to enable macros.
The instructions in the message are not helpfull to me.
How do I "enable macros" in this case; i.e. how do I make
this error message go away"