enable pictures to be downloaded by others using publisher 2003



I use publisher 2003 to make my web pages, i then post it to an ftp server, I
was wondering how to make it possible for people looking at the site to
download (or save) the pictures by right clicking on them, like you would a
normal web site?

Mary Sauer

All images you see on a Web Page are retained in your Internet Explorer
temporary file until you delete the cache. In Internet Explorer, tools, Internet
Options, settings button, view files.


I guess I was thinking more of when you look at a web site and right click on
a picture it will ask you if you want to save it, make it your desktop or
something to that extent, however on my web page you do not have that option
for some reason, you can see what I mean by visiting it



The right click, save image is disabled in Pub 2003. I think they did it
because people thought it would help stop theft of their pictures, but as
Mary points out, the images are downloaded and on your computer after
viewing the page. Unfortunately MS did not make it optional.

There are some workarounds if it is really important to you that people be
able to save your pictures.



We use the web page to share family pictures (we are located in MO, OH, UT,
FL and PA) so if there is a work around that would be real nice to know.



Yes it would be nice to know the work around if possible, we use the web page
to share family pictures, right now we are located in MO, OH, PA, Fl and UT,
so needless to say the web page is almost a must.


John G

It appears that "save image as" works ok for me in Firefox but it is not
there in IE


Yeah, but the quality of the images that are rendered in FireFox leave a lot
to be desired.




There are about a zillion photo sharing sites on the web that would be
better than downloading them from your website. Plus some of them would
allow your family to order prints instead of downloading them. You could use
your site in conjunction with one of those, and simply link to the photo
sharing site.

However, if you want to download from your site, there are several ways of
going about it. I suspect the easiest would be to create a subfolder on your
site, perhaps called "images". Then upload your original images to that
folder, and write a link to each image, under the image on your site. For
example go to http://varolifamily.com/Ohio.htm
In publisher insert a text box under each image, and write something like
this: "Right click here, and Save As image to your computer to download
image", and then insert a hyperlink into the word "here", that would look
like this: http://varolifamily.com/images/CindySusieJanet1957.jpg I would
also put the file size beside the instructions so people will know how big
the download will be. Alternatively they can left click on the image, and it
will load in IE, and then they can right click and save if they want.


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