(In Michael's case, he needs to change -14 to 14)
I welcome any feedback/questions...
**Watch for line wraps**
Option Explicit
'Copy the following line into Aut
pen or Workbook_Open
'to initialize the default permissions for the wkb,
'and to reset protection on all sheets at startup.
'**Note that some of the settings do not persist after the wkb is closed,
'and so reset must be done each time the wkb is opened.
' Call Set_DefaultWksProtection: Protect_AllSheets
'Use enum for changing option settings prior to running WksProtect,
'so you know which permissions you're changing.
'Example: gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowFormatCells) = False
'When done, run Set_DefaultWksProtection() to restore defaults
Enum WksProtection
wpDrawingObjects = 1
wpContents = 2
wpScenarios = 3
wpUserInterfaceOnly = 4
wpAllowFiltering = 5
wpAllowFormatCols = 6
wpAllowFormatRows = 7
wpAllowFormatCells = 8
wpAllowDeleteCols = 9
wpAllowDeleteRows = 10
wpAllowInsertCols = 11
wpAllowInsertRows = 12
wpAllowInsertHLinks = 13
wpAllowPivotTables = 14
wpEnableAutoFilter = 15
wpEnableOutlining = 16
wpEnableSelection = 17 '0=xlNoRestrictions; 1=xlUnlockedCells; 2=xlNoSelection
End Enum
Public gvaWksProtectOpts(1 To 17)
Const gsDEF_WKS_PROTECTION As String = "-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,-9,-10,-11,-12,-13,-14,15,16,0"
Sub Set_DefaultWksProtection()
Dim i As Integer, vwpOpts As Variant
vwpOpts = Split(gsDEF_WKS_PROTECTION, ",")
For i = LBound(gvaWksProtectOpts) To UBound(gvaWksProtectOpts) - 1
gvaWksProtectOpts(i) = (vwpOpts(i - 1) > 0)
gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpEnableSelection) = vwpOpts(UBound(vwpOpts))
End Sub
Sub wksProtect(Optional Wks As Worksheet)
' Protects specified sheets according to Excel version.
' Assumes Public Const PWRD as String contains the password, even if there isn't one.
' Arguments: WksName [In] Optional. The name of the sheet to be protected.
' Defaults to ActiveSheet.Name if missing.
If Wks Is Nothing Then Set Wks = ActiveSheet
On Error Resume Next
With Wks
If Val(Application.Version) >= 10 Then
.Protect Password:=PWRD, _
DrawingObjects:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpDrawingObjects), _
Contents:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpContents), _
Scenarios:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpScenarios), _
UserInterfaceOnly:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpUserInterfaceOnly), _
AllowFiltering:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowFiltering), _
AllowFormattingColumns:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowFormatCols), _
AllowFormattingRows:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowFormatRows), _
AllowFormattingCells:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowFormatCells), _
AllowDeletingColumns:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowDeleteCols), _
AllowDeletingRows:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowDeleteRows), _
AllowInsertingColumns:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowInsertCols), _
AllowInsertingRows:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowInsertRows), _
AllowInsertingHyperlinks:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpAllowInsertHLinks), _
.Protect Password:=PWRD, _
DrawingObjects:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpDrawingObjects), _
Contents:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpContents), _
Scenarios:=gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpScenarios), _
End If
.EnableAutoFilter = gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpEnableAutoFilter)
.EnableOutlining = gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpEnableOutlining)
Select Case CLng(gvaWksProtectOpts(WksProtection.wpEnableSelection))
Case 0: .EnableSelection = xlNoRestrictions '0
Case 1: .EnableSelection = xlUnlockedCells '1
Case 2: .EnableSelection = xlNoSelection '-4142
End Select
End With
End Sub 'wksProtect()
Sub wksUnprotect(Optional Wks As Worksheet)
If Wks Is Nothing Then Set Wks = ActiveSheet
On Error Resume Next
Wks.Unprotect PWRD
End Sub
Sub ResetProtection(Optional Wks As Worksheet)
If Wks Is Nothing Then Set Wks = ActiveSheet
Wks.Unprotect PWRD
wksProtect Wks
End Sub
Sub Protect_AllSheets()
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets: ResetProtection Wks: Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub Unprotect_AllSheets()
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets: wksUnprotect Wks: Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub