enable wordcount in a protected cell



I have created a word form using text fields within
tables. I would like to use the wordcount feature within
the table cell. I have tried putting the table between
section breaks but the option is still disabled.

Bruce Brown

Check out MVP Bill Coan's article "How to add pop-up lists to any Word
document, so you can click your way through changes in seconds - Or
how to use the AutoTextList field."


It's all about substituting AutoTextList fields for drop-down menus
and thereby eliminating the need to "protect" the document. Maybe
that'll work for your table cells so you can get the wordcount.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jan,
I have created a word form using text fields within
tables. I would like to use the wordcount feature within
the table cell. I have tried putting the table between
section breaks but the option is still disabled.
Code similar to the following will give you that information

Sub GetNrWords()
Dim rng As Word.Range
Set rng = ActiveDocument.FormFields("Name").Range
StatusBar = rng.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)

End Sub

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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