EnableEvents doesn't work



Hi All,

I have a checkbox with a CheckBox_Click event. In some cases I want to
change the value of its linked cell (to FALSE) through VBA, and in these
cases I don't want to run CheckBox_Click event code. I set
Application.EnableEvents to FALSE before changing the linked cell value, but
event code is still executed. How can I avoid it?



Or how can I differentiate real click and changing linked cell value with VBA?

„Stefi†ezt írta:

Norman Jones

Hi Stefi,

EnableEvents does not work with these controls.

Try using a boolean variable, For example try
something like:

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If Not blStop Then
'Do something, e.g.:
MsgBox "Hi"
End If
End Sub

In a standard module:
Public blStop As Boolean

Option Explicit

Public Sub Tester()
blStop = True
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = xlOn

End Sub

Norman Jones

Hi Stefi,

Public blStop As Boolean

Option Explicit


Was intended as

Norman Jones

Hi Stefi,

Public blStop As Boolean

Option Explicit


Was intended as

Option Explicit
Public blStop As Boolean

Dave Peterson

This isn't an event to excel. So you have to take care of it yourself.

Are these controls from the control toolbox toolbar placed on a worksheet?

If you're calling the _click event from a procedure in a general module, you can

Option Explicit
Public blkproc As Boolean
Sub testme()
blkproc = True
Sheet1.CheckBox1.Value = False
blkproc = False
End Sub

Then in the worksheet module:
Option Explicit
Private Sub CheckBox1_Change()
If blkproc = True Then Exit Sub
MsgBox "Change"
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If blkproc = True Then Exit Sub
MsgBox "Click"
End Sub

(I usually use _change.)


Many thanks, Dave and Norman for your quick responses, I'll try that way!

„Dave Peterson†ezt írta:

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