I have a form with 6 tabs, one of which is labeled "HEAD OFFICE USE ONLY".
I have a hidden form which has a sub form with a permission level field(in
datasheet view), what i am trying to do is have this tab stay disabled
unless the PERMISSION LEVEL = a certain value. with in this tab there are
4-5 fields. I have set the enabled to no for my tab control but cannot
figure out the code to enable it..
Any help would be appreciated
I have a form with 6 tabs, one of which is labeled "HEAD OFFICE USE ONLY".
I have a hidden form which has a sub form with a permission level field(in
datasheet view), what i am trying to do is have this tab stay disabled
unless the PERMISSION LEVEL = a certain value. with in this tab there are
4-5 fields. I have set the enabled to no for my tab control but cannot
figure out the code to enable it..
Any help would be appreciated