Enabling Check Boxes in a Form.


Bob G

Running Word 2000 at the office. (Upgrading is not an
option)I am trying to create a form which will need to be
mergeable with an Access database and have check boxes
which cam be checked by multiple users. I can get the
check boxes to work by protecting the form, but then it
won't merge. If I remove protection so that I can merge,
the check boxes don't work. Any thoughts?

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Bob,
Running Word 2000 at the office. (Upgrading is not an
option)I am trying to create a form which will need to be
mergeable with an Access database and have check boxes
which cam be checked by multiple users.
Take a look at one of the FAX templtes provided by Microsoft
(like "Elegant Fax" or "contemporary Fax". See those
checkboxes? That's a way to do it without having to protect
the document.

You need to
- copy the AutoText entries in this template to your
- copy the macros in this template to your template
- copy the checkbox to your template

The checkbox is actually a MACROBUTTON field, as you can see
if you toggle on the field codes using Alt+F9. When the user
double-clicks the macro is executed and the "opposite"
AutoText entry inserted (checked vs. unchecked box).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan
24 2003)

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