enabling macros



I have just installed APA-Style Helper 5.0 to my computer (a program for APA
referencing and citations for research papers). This software works with
Word. However, you must enable the publisher as a Macro. I am having
difficulty with this. From everything I can gather, my Office was not
installed properly or the right options were not chosen at installation. I
am at a dilemma because I have had to give my computer an overhaul twice
since I bought it because of viruses. I have managed to keep up with the
product key, but I have no idea where the installation CD is. When I tried
to repair, it keeps asking me for the CD or installation location from the
network. I don't really understand because I use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
all the time. I have the Standard 2003 edition. Any help?? I really need
to be able to use this software and I have a paper due in a few days.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?eW91bmcxMw==?=,
I have just installed APA-Style Helper 5.0 to my computer (a program for APA
referencing and citations for research papers). This software works with
Word. However, you must enable the publisher as a Macro. I am having
difficulty with this. From everything I can gather, my Office was not
installed properly or the right options were not chosen at installation. I
am at a dilemma because I have had to give my computer an overhaul twice
since I bought it because of viruses. I have managed to keep up with the
product key, but I have no idea where the installation CD is. When I tried
to repair, it keeps asking me for the CD or installation location from the
network. I don't really understand because I use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
all the time. I have the Standard 2003 edition
Can you give the exact text of the message you're getting, please?

Also, what's the setting in Tools/Macro/Security?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


When I open the APA Style Helper 5 from my desktop a window comes up:

Before you can use StyleHelper 5 with microsoft windows you must add the
American Psychological Association as a trusted source. You must also enable
certain code features.................... then there is an ok button, when
you choose "ok" the next window states:

The document contains macros. Macro language support for htis application
is disabled. Features requiring VBA are not available. Would you like to
open this document read-only?

When not choosing to open read-only Windows Office installer begins,then a
window that states:

Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
then at the bottom: Please wait while windows configures microsoft office
standard edition 2003

then a prompt: Install Error, File not found

then: a required installation file SKU112.CAB could not be found

original installation source required

If you installed microsoft office standard 2003 from a CD, please insert
your CD. If you installed Microsoft office standard edition 2003 over your
computer network, please browse to the installation source on your network.
Once you have located your installation source, click OK. then there is a
place to choose the network with a browse button and an ok button and a
cancel button.

that's all you can do it aborts after that

any help would be greatly appreciated. i'm thinking that i can call
microsoft and maybe explain what is going on and give them my product number
and they can tell me what to do to get it to work


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?eW91bmcxMw==?=,

From the sound of it, VBA support wasn't installed with Office when it was
installed on your machine. Without the original CD there's absolutely nothing
you can do.
When I open the APA Style Helper 5 from my desktop a window comes up:

Before you can use StyleHelper 5 with microsoft windows you must add the
American Psychological Association as a trusted source. You must also enable
certain code features.................... then there is an ok button, when
you choose "ok" the next window states:

The document contains macros. Macro language support for htis application
is disabled. Features requiring VBA are not available. Would you like to
open this document read-only?

When not choosing to open read-only Windows Office installer begins,then a
window that states:

Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
then at the bottom: Please wait while windows configures microsoft office
standard edition 2003

then a prompt: Install Error, File not found

then: a required installation file SKU112.CAB could not be found

original installation source required

If you installed microsoft office standard 2003 from a CD, please insert
your CD. If you installed Microsoft office standard edition 2003 over your
computer network, please browse to the installation source on your network.
Once you have located your installation source, click OK. then there is a
place to choose the network with a browse button and an ok button and a
cancel button.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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