Hello Tom,
I would like to share the following information with you.
1. Since the integration feature in Encarta may cause some potential
incompatibility issues with Office, our Product Group team decided not to
include such a feature in Encarta Dictionary Tools any more. I appreciate
your understanding on this issue.
2. Encarta Dictionary Tools includes the following:
-Encarta World English Dictionary and Thesaurus
-Translation of single words.
Unlike QuickShelf and FactFinder, Encarta Dictionary Tools has no
cross-product integration. This means that to look up the meaning of a
word, you must open Encarta Dictionary Tools via the icon on the systray,
and manually paste the word you want to find into the "Find" field.
Encarta Dictionary Tools is a stand-alone application. While it can be
invoked from within Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe and Encarta Reference
Library, it runs in its own window.
3. If you still prefer the integration, I suggest that you install
Bookshelf Basics 97 again. This will not conflict with Encarta 2004.
| From: "Tom Hagen" <
[email protected]>
| References: <
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
| Subject: RE: Encarta 2004 Reference Library Plus DVD: Office Integration
Is Not There
| Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 18:36:03 -0700
| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.office.setup
| The problem is that I can't even get Encarta 2004 to
| integrate with Office. So how do I get Encarta 2004 to
| work with Office 2000? I've uninstalled Bookshelf Basics
| 97 as 2000 did not have it. Reinstalled Encarta 2004
| after unistalling it and still no links or choices in
| Office 2000. I did some more searches on the problem and
| I found in the Community BB that it is built that way and
| I have to type in the words, and to a person with a
| learing disability this is a nightmare as most times we
| can come close to the word we need but know the exact
| spelling to look it up in a Thesaurus or Dictionary. When
| I had Bookshelf Basic 97 installed and working with Office
| 2000 I was able to type a simple word with the spell check
| knowning that all I had to do was right click get the
| Thesaurus and bang there were the words I was looking
| for. Also is very useful in Outlook when someone sends me
| an e-mail and I don't understand the words I right click
| and get the Dictionary.
| Thanks,
| Tom
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Hello Tom,
| >
| >Currently, we can only integrate one dictionary with
| Office 2000. We
| >suggest that you use Encarta 2004 as it contains more
| features than
| >Bookshelf 2000 and is more up-to-date.
| >
| >I will convey your feedback to the appropriate team.
| >
| >For more product suggestions, go to:
| >
| >
| >
| >Thanks.
| >
| >--------------------
| >| From: "Tom Hagen" <
[email protected]>
| >| Subject: Encarta 2004 Reference Library Plus DVD:
| Office Integration Is
| >Not There
| >| Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 08:12:28 -0700
| >|Newsgroups: microsoft.public.office.setup
| >|
| >
| >| I have just bought Encarta 2004 Reference Library Plus
| >| and I must have it working with Office 2000. I have
| >| Dyslexia and I have been using Bookshelf Basics from
| >| Office 97 to help me with words that I misspell or do
| not
| >| understand the meaning of. For a person with a
| learning
| >| disability having the ability for Bookshelf Basics or
| >| Encarta intergated is a must. I'm currentlly out of a
| >| job, trying to finish up my degree to up my chances of
| >| finding a job and can not afford to purchase another
| >| Office suite.
| >|
| >| I have tried the method described in Technet article
| >| 237526. Can someone as Microsoft please figure out a
| way
| >| to get Encarta 2004 to integrate. The fact that you
| have
| >| removed this ability greatly dissapoints me. I don't
| want
| >| to pass on to the disability community not to purchase
| >| your products because the functions keep getting
| removed.
| >|
| >| Tom
| >|
| >
| >Sincerely,
| >
| >Vivien Wu
| >MCSA, MCSE2000 and MCDBA2000
| >Microsoft Partner Online Support
| >
| >
| >Get Secure! -
| >
| >====================================================
| >When responding to posts, please Reply to Group via your
| newsreader so
| >that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
| >====================================================
| >This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and
| confers no rights.
| >
| >.
| >
Vivien Wu
MCSA, MCSE2000 and MCDBA2000
Microsoft Partner Online Support
Get Secure! -
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