Encoding outlook 2003


A. Netwalker


We are having a problems with some messages that we receive. When they are
encoding with UTF-7, outlook doesnt recognize it automatically and appears
codified like that:

+ADw-html xmlns:v+AD0AIg-urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml+ACI-
xmlns+AD0AIg-http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40+ACI-+AD4- +ADw-head+AD4-
+ADw-meta name+AD0-Generator content+AD0AIg-Microsoft Word 11 (filtered
medium)+ ....

We must force the UTF-7 encoding for every message and this is tedius.

Our mail system is Exchange 2003 SP1, and the Outlook client 2003 with SP3.
Does someone know why this happen?

Id like that outlook automatically recognize that UTF-7 mail message.

Thank you very much

Best regards.

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