End of run 'clean up" . . .


Wayne Knazek

I'll try to keep it simple and short. But I've found that if you don't give
enough info, your question can be misunderstrood. (Yeah, I'm a
trainer/teacher! LOL)

I have a 50 sheet workbook. All pages are linkied together and calculate
off each other.

When data is "dumped" into the program (only once per worksheet!) it all
goes to one master sheet, and is then "sent" or pulled here and there to all
of the pages, as needed.

To allow for larger dumps, I made all the sheets 400 rows long. I seriously
doubt I'll ever need more than 300 rows.

Once the data dumps, and the operator has a chance to work with the workbook
a little, maybe add some data at the end, etc. (into existing rows) what I'd
like to be able to do is clean up the program.

The master sheet has about 50 columns being used. That will always be the
same. But the number of rows used will vary every time the workbook is used.
Everyt run will be different.

Same for all the other sheets. Column use is always the same., But no way
to know how many rows will be used. So I can't just record a macro, and
clean it up once.

If I were in Eutopia, I'd have a button for the operator to click when the
program was done, and all unused rows would be deleted.

Reason . . . there is a formula in every single cell, in all 50 pages,
except the master sheet that only does a little calculating.

When the report is finished, there is a ton of memory being used up by these
1000's of unused cells, x 50 pages, all containing a formulae.

Plus . . . when it's finished, we email several copies of the file. To
Engineering departments, and to our customers.

I figure, even though every cell does have "something" in it, I could
somehow figure out a way to have somekind of search function look for
"something" other than a formula in a row, and have that trigger a function
in VB of something.

Is that enough "somethings" for you! LOL :)

We can do it by hand, but it takes a long time to clean up 50 sheets by
hand. And this report will be used numerous times every day. The data is
from another machine that runs a program, then opens Excel, and the workbook
pulls the data out of that machine's program before closing it. This program
runs numerous times a day. Plus we have 4, and soon to have 5 machines
dumping data throughout the day. Each time one of them runs a program, it
creates a new report using this Excel workbook.

Anyone have an extra ticket to Eutopia?

:) Wayne

Jim Cone

You didn't mention what you had for breakfast.<g>
Debra Dalgleish has code here to cleanup worksheets...
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Wayne Knazek"
<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I'll try to keep it simple and short. But I've found that if you don't give
enough info, your question can be misunderstrood. (Yeah, I'm a
trainer/teacher! LOL)

I have a 50 sheet workbook. All pages are linkied together and calculate
off each other.

When data is "dumped" into the program (only once per worksheet!) it all
goes to one master sheet, and is then "sent" or pulled here and there to all
of the pages, as needed.

To allow for larger dumps, I made all the sheets 400 rows long. I seriously
doubt I'll ever need more than 300 rows.

Once the data dumps, and the operator has a chance to work with the workbook
a little, maybe add some data at the end, etc. (into existing rows) what I'd
like to be able to do is clean up the program.

The master sheet has about 50 columns being used. That will always be the
same. But the number of rows used will vary every time the workbook is used.
Everyt run will be different.

Same for all the other sheets. Column use is always the same., But no way
to know how many rows will be used. So I can't just record a macro, and
clean it up once.

If I were in Eutopia, I'd have a button for the operator to click when the
program was done, and all unused rows would be deleted.

Reason . . . there is a formula in every single cell, in all 50 pages,
except the master sheet that only does a little calculating.

When the report is finished, there is a ton of memory being used up by these
1000's of unused cells, x 50 pages, all containing a formulae.

Plus . . . when it's finished, we email several copies of the file. To
Engineering departments, and to our customers.

I figure, even though every cell does have "something" in it, I could
somehow figure out a way to have somekind of search function look for
"something" other than a formula in a row, and have that trigger a function
in VB of something.

Is that enough "somethings" for you! LOL :)

We can do it by hand, but it takes a long time to clean up 50 sheets by
hand. And this report will be used numerous times every day. The data is
from another machine that runs a program, then opens Excel, and the workbook
pulls the data out of that machine's program before closing it. This program
runs numerous times a day. Plus we have 4, and soon to have 5 machines
dumping data throughout the day. Each time one of them runs a program, it
creates a new report using this Excel workbook.

Anyone have an extra ticket to Eutopia?

:) Wayne

Wayne Knazek

:)~ LOL

Thanks! :)

Jim Cone said:
You didn't mention what you had for breakfast.<g>
Debra Dalgleish has code here to cleanup worksheets...
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Wayne Knazek"
<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I'll try to keep it simple and short. But I've found that if you don't give
enough info, your question can be misunderstrood. (Yeah, I'm a
trainer/teacher! LOL)

I have a 50 sheet workbook. All pages are linkied together and calculate
off each other.

When data is "dumped" into the program (only once per worksheet!) it all
goes to one master sheet, and is then "sent" or pulled here and there to all
of the pages, as needed.

To allow for larger dumps, I made all the sheets 400 rows long. I seriously
doubt I'll ever need more than 300 rows.

Once the data dumps, and the operator has a chance to work with the workbook
a little, maybe add some data at the end, etc. (into existing rows) what I'd
like to be able to do is clean up the program.

The master sheet has about 50 columns being used. That will always be the
same. But the number of rows used will vary every time the workbook is used.
Everyt run will be different.

Same for all the other sheets. Column use is always the same., But no way
to know how many rows will be used. So I can't just record a macro, and
clean it up once.

If I were in Eutopia, I'd have a button for the operator to click when the
program was done, and all unused rows would be deleted.

Reason . . . there is a formula in every single cell, in all 50 pages,
except the master sheet that only does a little calculating.

When the report is finished, there is a ton of memory being used up by these
1000's of unused cells, x 50 pages, all containing a formulae.

Plus . . . when it's finished, we email several copies of the file. To
Engineering departments, and to our customers.

I figure, even though every cell does have "something" in it, I could
somehow figure out a way to have somekind of search function look for
"something" other than a formula in a row, and have that trigger a function
in VB of something.

Is that enough "somethings" for you! LOL :)

We can do it by hand, but it takes a long time to clean up 50 sheets by
hand. And this report will be used numerous times every day. The data is
from another machine that runs a program, then opens Excel, and the workbook
pulls the data out of that machine's program before closing it. This program
runs numerous times a day. Plus we have 4, and soon to have 5 machines
dumping data throughout the day. Each time one of them runs a program, it
creates a new report using this Excel workbook.

Anyone have an extra ticket to Eutopia?

:) Wayne

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