End Page Numbering To Skip Title Page



Hi there,

I have a Word 2003 document that has page numbering in a footer in the
format of "Page 'Insert Page Number' of 'Insert Number of Pages'". I have
inserted a section break in the relevent spot to skip both the Title Page and
the Table of Contents. I have also used the 'Format Page Number' to start
the numbering at 1 on page 3. However, my issue is that this restarted
numbering isn't reflected in the end page number. ie. My page including the
two pages is 10 pages long but I want the actual page 3 to read "Page 1 of
8". Instead it reads "Page 1 of 10". Help?

Thanks a million in advance!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It would if you were numbering both sections, but in this case the OP wants
no numbering in Section 1 and to start numbering with 1 in Section 2.


So what would be the solution if one wants the first 10 out of 11 sections to
be counted in the total page number count.
In other words I know how to start page numbering, but how do I end the page
numbering and fix the issue described by 'st' above

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You'll need to use a REF field for this. Somewhere on the last page of
Section 10 (somewhere where it won't accidentally be deleted), insert a
bookmark. Then, instead of the NUMPAGES field for the Y in Page X of Y, use
a cross-reference to the page number of that bookmark. This assumes that the
first ten sections are paginated continuously. If the numbering restarts in
each section, then this may still be possible but would be much more

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