This followed me when I transferred files from an old to a new computer.
It's like a bad odor you can't get away from! Before I used IntelliMover to
get the files over, the new computer's Word app was normal. Now (like on my
old computer) when I go to Tools drop-down, there's an amazingly long string
of 'Mail Merge' entries. I don't think it is really causing any problems,
but who knows ... would like to get rid of it. I don't even use Mail Merge!
It's like a bad odor you can't get away from! Before I used IntelliMover to
get the files over, the new computer's Word app was normal. Now (like on my
old computer) when I go to Tools drop-down, there's an amazingly long string
of 'Mail Merge' entries. I don't think it is really causing any problems,
but who knows ... would like to get rid of it. I don't even use Mail Merge!