Endnote 9 and Microsoft word 2004 Microsoft Visual Basic Run-timeerror 5


Bob Kujda

Endnote 9 and Microsoft word 2004 Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error 5
Invalid procedure call or argument

Endnote 9 Word 2004 Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error 5 Invalid
procedure call or argument
OSX 4.3
I understand what the error is

³A "runtime" error means that there is an error in a macro or add-in that is
attempting to run. Typically these macros are created by a third-party and
are not part of the Word installation²

the offending file is
EndNote 9 CWYW Commands.dot
I replaced this file with the backup of EndNote 9 CWYW Commands.dot

The error still occurs

What do I do to fix the EndNote 9 Word 2004 run-time error?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Bob Kujda said:
the offending file is
EndNote 9 CWYW Commands.dot
I replaced this file with the backup of EndNote 9 CWYW Commands.dot

The error still occurs

What do I do to fix the EndNote 9 Word 2004 run-time error?

It might be a problem with a Word pref. Did you try moving them to the
desktop and relaunching Word to see if it makes any difference ?? I use
EndNote 9 all the time and I sure don;t have this problem,


John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Hi Bob:

That particular error is often produced by a ³missing² component. Make sure
that you have VBA fully installed.

That error will be returned if the VBA type library needed is not found on
your computer. The procedure call is indeed invalid, because the procedure
that defines it wasn¹t found, so the procedure has not been compiled. I
guess the error message could be a little more helpful :) It could say
something like ³The running macro attempted to call ³CWYWStart Macro² but
that Macro was not found in the expected place, or system security
permissions prevent you from accessing or executing it.²

The first thing I would do is re-install VBA (just to make sure none of its
components have inadvertently been deleted) then re-install CWYW (to make
sure it¹s all there too).

Hope this helps

Endnote 9 and Microsoft word 2004 Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error 5
Invalid procedure call or argument

Endnote 9 Word 2004 Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error 5 Invalid procedure
call or argument
OSX 4.3
I understand what the error is

³A "runtime" error means that there is an error in a macro or add-in that is
attempting to run. Typically these macros are created by a third-party and are
not part of the Word installation²

the offending file is
EndNote 9 CWYW Commands.dot
I replaced this file with the backup of EndNote 9 CWYW Commands.dot

The error still occurs

What do I do to fix the EndNote 9 Word 2004 run-time error?


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

Bo Ku

Hi John (et al.)

Problem: run-time error Word2004 - Endnote9
Solution: removal -reinstall

It was an Endnote9 missing component

EndNote 9 CWYW Word 2004 In word start up folder

had gotten rid of those PDF makers in Office startup folder ­must have
thrown away the missing EndNote 9 CWYW Word 2004 component in the process

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