EndNote and Unwanted "Select a Reference Library" pop-up



I have Word 2003, and use EndNote v. 9 quite a bit. I am now having an awful
problem with both some of my own documents (with EndNote References) and now,
an emailed document written by someone else (who also used EndNote
references); The problem is a pop-up window that asks me to "Select a
Reference Library" which will recur ad nauseum after briefly disappearing
when I press the 'cancel' option.

Can anybody tell me how to get rid of this awful thing? Thanks,

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Don't press Cancel, read the EndNote help. The "Library" needs to be
configured for each document... Once you have set it correctly, it will
stay set.

I have Word 2003, and use EndNote v. 9 quite a bit. I am now having an awful
problem with both some of my own documents (with EndNote References) and now,
an emailed document written by someone else (who also used EndNote
references); The problem is a pop-up window that asks me to "Select a
Reference Library" which will recur ad nauseum after briefly disappearing
when I press the 'cancel' option.

Can anybody tell me how to get rid of this awful thing? Thanks,


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

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