Endnote numbering



I've set up a large document (150+ pp) with endnotes at
the end of each chapter, denoted by an inserted section
break. In one of the chapters, the endnotes as displayed
in the text start at 1,2,3 and then re-start at 1 again,
with no section break between note 3 and what should be
note 4. Any idea what's going on? Thanks very much

Dayo Mitchell

Switch into Normal view and make sure there's no continuous section break
hiding--note that using columns or changing orientation requires section
breaks, even if you don't see them.

If you are tracking changes, endnotes numbers will misbehave. If the doc was
not originally created in Word, endnotes do not always convert properly.

Dayo Mitchell

"misbehave" while tracking changes means that the numbers will not
automatically renumber themselves until you have Accepted All Changes. I
don't think there are any interim fixes until you are done tracking changes,
but once all changes have been Accepted or Rejected (note that accepting
changes is different from turning off tracking changes), the numbers should
sort themselves out.

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