Endnote Placement



Thanks for the previous response to my questions on
endnotes. The cross-referencing works great!

Now I am trying to place the endnotes in a "Reference"
section, which, unfortunately, is not at the end of the
document. (My style guidance for this document does not
permit me to resequence the sections, so I can't just put
the reference section at the end for convenience's sake.)

I tried copying the endnotes and pasting them in the
Reference section, but that messed up the numbering. I
could retype the endnotes in the reference section, but
it seems as if Word should have some solution other than
this one! (Especially since it would not incorporate the
changes in numbering to endnotes that could occur.)
According to all the info. I've found on this, however,
it looks as if I can only put the endnotes at the very
end of the document or after each section.

What do you recommend I do?

Dayo Mitchell

Glad the other helped.

Assuming you are using a later version of Word (2001 and after), here's the
workaround: Set endnotes to come at the end of each section (via Insert |
Footnote, Options, Close). Then check "suppress endnotes" for each section
except the second to last (via Format | Document, Layout tab, only available
in later versions).


Suzanne S. Barnhill

And if you're using an earlier version of Word that doesn't have the
"Suppress endnotes" option, and if you're providing only hard copy (you
don't have to submit the document electronically), you can fudge by putting
the endnotes last and adjusting the page numbering such that you can
resequence the printed pages into the right order. For example, let's say
you have 200 pages of document text, 10 pages of indexes or appendixes, and
10 pages of endnotes/references.

Document ends on page 200.

Indexes/appendixes are in a new section with numbering set to start at 211.

Endnotes/references are in a new section with numbering set to start at 201.

Klaus Linke

If you use Word2000, the option to suppress endnotes is already built-in,
just not available from the user interface.
If you are familar with macros, look up "SuppressEndNotes" in the VBA help.


Dayo Mitchell

Good to know, Klaus! thanks,

(incidentally, I had never looked up a specific function in VBA Help, and
was amazed to find out how useful it was after my last disastrous attempt to
get it to tell me something)

Does one just put this code in the document's macros:

If ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Location = wdEndOfSection Then
ActiveDocument.Sections(1).PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = True
--repeat above line for all sections but the last
End If

Possibly easier than going into each section and checking it individually,
even if one does have Word 2001 or later--I will have to experiment with
macros to control sections, as there will probably never be a Format Section
dialog box...


Klaus Linke

Hi Dayo,
Does one just put this code in the document's macros:

If ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Location = wdEndOfSection Then
ActiveDocument.Sections(1).PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = True
--repeat above line for all sections but the last
End If

-- repeat above line for all sections but the next to last
(if you want them to appear in front of the last section)

You could also set the property for all sections:
ActiveDocument.Sections.PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = True

and then remove it from the next-to-last section:

Dim i
If i > 1 then
ActiveDocument.Sections(i-1).PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = False
End if


Dayo Mitchell

Thanks so much, Klaus. Code saved and now if anybody ever makes me use
endnotes, I'll be much less annoyed about it. Actually, I guess I'll test
it soon so that Suzanne and I can start sharing it with poor Word 2000 users
who want to have an appendix after their footnotes.

Thanks for catching my glitch on last vs. next to last.


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