Hi Karen:
Nope: Nothing received at this end.
Make sure the email is plain text and there *is* some text, and that the
attachment is an *attachment*.
Anything else looks like either spam or a virus and meets a grizzly fate
The number formatting is contained in the paragraph marks (actually, the
paragraph marks contain a hexadecimal pointer to the table that contains the
number formatting, but you get what I mean). So if you have been fiddling
with paragraph marks then things are becoming a bit interesting.
I'll need to have a look at that thing: please re-send.
On 19/8/06 10:50 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed),
Hi John,
I sent you the document as an attachment--hope it survives your junk
filter. Answering your questions:
-I removed field codes by going into the EndNote tools menu and hitting
'remove field codes'. It creates a new document and I saved that
document under a new name.
-When you ask 'what I deleted' are you referring to the Paragraph
Marks? I did not do any other deleting when I removed field codes.
When I deleted P marks, I deleted all of the P marks that were at the
end of the text (not the end of the endnotes, since select all only
hightlights the text). I clearly deleted too many b/c It took the
formatting out of my last paragraph, so I had to reapply my line
John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh] wrote:
Hi Karen:
Numbering (ALL numbering) in Microsoft Word is massively complex under the
hood. I know: it shouldn't be, but it is. They were trying to provide
ultimate flexibility. Well, they succeeded. At the expense of massive
So now I need to ask HOW you removed the field codes, and what specifically
you deleted. Sorry, but I need massive detail here. A Word document is a
huge ball of string: hundreds of thousands of interlocking pointers to
objects. Each number should have a pointer to a List Template that should
have a pointer to a single Style. If those pointers get disturbed, all
can break lose: if you tell me how you went about removing the fieldcodes
can begin to hazard a guess as to the current state of the document.
Better flip me a copy, I think. It's probably too complex to explain: just
send one. As an attachment in a Plain Text email. My Spam Filter shoots
anything else before I see it
The fastest way to find anything in the MS KB is to Google for what you
to read, and include the word "Microsoft" in the query. Try "Microsoft
delete data key". Note the capitalisation: in Google it's significant.
On 19/8/06 12:50 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed),
First: No luck with the second test email.
John, I don't know what or where the Microsoft Knowledge Base is.
Could you direct me to it?
Btw, in case this has any bearing on things: I did create my document
using EndNote but the field codes have been removed from the document
I'm sending so I assumed the info. wasn't relevant.
Thanks much,
John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh] wrote:
Hi Karen:
Hmmm.... The number format for a list template can be stored, in binary
format, in the Windows Registry.
There is an instruction on the Microsoft Knowledge Base describinghow to
DELETE the Word Data Key from the Windows Registry. When you do that,
will rebuild it on the next start.
That may solve your problem. Apparently, the Data Key in the Registry
corrupt, and that may be what has happened.
The reason I did not mention it before was that I had assumed thatthese
had had documents with numbering opened on them before. If they had, the
numbering preferences should be set in the Data Key and operate
Hope this helps
On 18/8/06 4:31 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed),
I'm sorry to have left you hanging, but I had to wait for my guinea pig
to respond before i could be sure that the problem was fixed. Sadly,
it isn't! I did not have the "Automatically update styles on open" set
to ON so I followed the procedure suggested by Daiya. It reset the
default (thank you!) but when my test document was received it still
opened up with roman numerals. I don't know if this makes a difference
but for some recipients of the document (then and now) it opens up with
arabic numbers, just as I saved it, but others get it with roman
numerals. The one for whom it opens up just dandy has a mac, the
others (I think) have pcs.
Daiya Mitchell wrote:
Hi John,
On 8/17/06 4:42 AM, "John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]"
Hi Daiya:
Excuse me! You do not get to bail out of EndNote questions

Queen of EndNotes, if you don't know, what are the rest of us supposed
No, I don't think she is using EndNote the program, just endnotes. And
actually, I think Corentin is the King there.

But yes, I figured I
to respond, or else you all might just leave it for me.
Let me add by two cents worth -- I think you're on the right track. I
it's the template.
I did check my previous guess later--a fresh Normal defaulted back to
for endnotes, so I guess it is saved there.
However, I suggest that it won't matter much WHAT is in
the Template, the problem is that the template is Attached with
"Automatically update styles on open" set to ON.
If the user were to open the document and check in Tools>Templates and
Add-ins... If the "Automatically update..." box is checked, turn it
then save the document.
Logical--except that when I received a doc and saw ii,iii notes,it
have been picking them up from my settings, which are 1,2,3 in Normal.
checked that document that I received, and it isn't set to
update styles, but I have already edited and resaved it, so....
The problem may be that every time the document is opened, Word
update the styles from the attached template. That mechanism is
numbered styles: it updates the "Style" but it disassociates the "List
Template" that should remain attached to match the style. Instead,
style updates, Word attaches one of the default List Templates that
built-in to the document structure. Voila! Default roman numerals
If you turn that setting OFF, Word does not try to update the styles,
the list template (which defines the numbering format) remains
Microsoft refuses to fix this mechanism, because they do not really
understand the purpose of "Automatically update styles". To the
product planners, users who use styles and templates properly are not
of their user base. They're trying to dumb Word down to make it
with Pages
The only reason we still have the mechanism is because it's too
take it out. But it has been broken ever since Word implemented
numbering. You cannot use "Automatically update styles..." in a
that also contains list-based numbering. And EndNote numberingis
list-based numbering. Applied by a style. When the style is applied,
associates a specific list template within the document to thatstyle.
subsequently reset the numbering format (the List Template) to your
preference. It will stay the way you set it unless something attempts
update the style. If the style is updated, the connection to the list
template is broken, and the numbering changes.
Back a few versions, Microsoft attempted to lessen the damage by
the mechanism so that if "Automatically update styles..." was enabled
the Normal template, it would be ignored and switched off.
That change now seems to have been lost. If you set Automatically
styles on open ON, even if the document is attached to the Normal
it will stay on and break the numbering every time you open the
And that's what I think is happening.
The only thing I can suggest is that you turn that setting off and
that nobody else turns it on.
One more ray of hope: In the next version of Word, it should again be
possible to attach a document to an external style sheet and have the
update without breaking the numbering. We need to ensure that this is
tested carefully during the beta!
On 17/8/06 7:35 AM, in article
[email protected],
Oh dear. I haven't a clue about this one, I hope someone elsedoes?
have been on the receiving end of it.
Somehow, however, my endnotes do default to 1,2,3. I'm not sure why,
A lot of settings are saved in the Normal template, which is the
default new documents. So try making the change in the Normal
To do this, navigate to Normal (unless you changed it, it's at

ocuments:Microsoft User Data:Normal, where ~ stands for
Double-click Normal to open it. Insert an endnote, change the
1,2,3. Then delete the endnote, and any accidental spaces or text.
Normal, and close it.
Create a new document (cmd-n). See if the default endnote is 1,2,3.
If that worked to change the default, try this on your problemdoc:
everything except the last paragraph mark into a new default doc.
¶ on the standard toolbar to view paragraph marks, or use cmd-a to
All, shift-arrow to move the selection back one invisible paragraph
and cmd-c to copy. Save the new doc.
I'm totally guessing, but it's possible that if the default isset to
it won't revert when you email it. It's also possible that the last
paragraph mark carried some corruption that was causing the problem.
You might email the known-problem doc to yourself to see if it
your own machine. If it does, then you can test your own second doc.
Hope something there helps,
On 8/16/06 7:03 AM, "(e-mail address removed)" wrote:
I'm currently using OS 10.3.9 with Word 2004 v. 11.4. I have
a large document that contains endnotes. For endnote reference
numbers, Word defaults at roman numerals, but I tell it to use
numbers instead. When I email my document as a Word attachment to
others and they open it, the endnote reference numbers have all
reverted to roman numerals. Help please! I need the reference
to stay in arabic numbers, as I've formatted and saved them.
While I'm at it, is there a way to change the default so thatthe
endnote reference numbers start off as arabic?
Thanks so much for any help!
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do notemail
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410