I am trying to create a newsletter. The Newsletter will contain articles
that have footnotes/endnotes. I would like the Newsletter to have 3 columns
per page and the end/footnotes to appear at the end of each article. The
next article should then flow on from the endnotes of the previous article.
The closest I can get is to format the notes as endnotes at each section,
then insert a continuous section break. The problem is that the continuous
break causes the columns to balance across the page. I can force the notes
to stay together but I end up with at least one mostly empty column. Does
anyone know how I can achieve this in Word (2003)? Thanks
that have footnotes/endnotes. I would like the Newsletter to have 3 columns
per page and the end/footnotes to appear at the end of each article. The
next article should then flow on from the endnotes of the previous article.
The closest I can get is to format the notes as endnotes at each section,
then insert a continuous section break. The problem is that the continuous
break causes the columns to balance across the page. I can force the notes
to stay together but I end up with at least one mostly empty column. Does
anyone know how I can achieve this in Word (2003)? Thanks