Eneable or unEneable Events in the Forms created with VBA for MS-Word



I use to include the sentence "Application.EneableEvent = 'False' or
'True'" in VBA applications developed in the MS-Excel platform. It works
very well in association with actions performed in the spreadsheets or the
workbook, but not when the action is performed in Userforms.
Now I am develop a short utility in VBA using the MS-Word platform and
I need to know if it is posible to un-eneable the events associated to
elements of a Userform created with VBA in MS-Word?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You can certainly enable or disable controls on a userform using the
..Enabled attribute of the control

[controlname].Enabled = False

will disable the control named controlname. Setting the attribute to True
will enable the control.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Shauna Kelly

Hi MorenD

Word (sadly) has no equivalent of Excel's Application.EnableEvents method.
And no VBA has an .EnableEvents that works in user forms.

The workaround is generally to create a global or module-wide variable
called, say, bEventsEnabled as a boolean. Wrap your code like this:

If bEventsEnabled then
'your code here

and set bEventsEnabled to False when you don't want the event code to run.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Another approach is put the from controls inside a frame: then you can
enable/disable them collectively by enabling/disabling the frame.

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