enforce spell check on an edited conditional IF statement in word




i have a problem which i can't find a solution to on
site-http://word.mvps.org/faqs/mailmerge/ or google.

i have a conditional paragraph that is displayed based on an IF statement
for each client. if the paragraph is displayed a staff member has to ring
the client and types a summary of the chat within the IF statement. this all
wor4ks fine howe3ver the issue is that the spell and grammar check is not
enforced on the IF statement field/paragraph. is it possible to enable the
spell and grammar check on conditional fields etc?

we are currently using microsoft word 97.



Hi java-ftper,

Assuming the fieldis being converted to text as part of the mailmerge process, you could simply run the spell-check after the merge
has been completed - doing it during the mailmerge isn't possible. To expedite/simplify the process, you could set all the text
except for the field in question in the mailmerge main document to 'no proofing', so that the spell-check would only test the text
the user has entered.


thanks for your quick response macropod.
your comment about selecting no proofing was very useful and something I had
not previously considered.
I also found a very interesting article
-http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/MacrosVBA/SpellcheckProtectDoc.htm which I managed
to adapt to my requirements. Definitely recommended reading for anyone with a
similar issue.


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