english pivot reports with german excel



I use the Office 2004 german, and I need to create pivot reports for
english speaking customers. However pivot table titles for (grand)
totals are hard coded in German, trying to change them brings up an
info window stating that they cannot be changed.

Does anyone have an idea if/how I can switch Excel zu english.

Thank you

btw: this would be very simple if Office was really Apple compliant,
it would be enough to change the main language of the complete system
in the system preferences.


A workaround might be to not include the "grand total" in the pivot
table but to include a "=SUM()" expression outside the table in the
next column or row. But, if a pivot table recalculation had more
columns or rows, this would be overwritten.
Another idea is to write a macro that calculates the pivot table,
figures out where the totals should go and puts them there.

good luck!


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