Enough benefit in TR to make the upgrade fm B2?



As I have read the messages here I see that there are benefits and losses in
switching to B2TR from B2. I don't know of any big issues I am having with my
OneNote2007 B2 install right now. My page count and nature of use seem to
have grown to the point where search is important, and I take from these
messages that WDS3.0 does not work with the tech refresh.

Will I have to wait until January or February to have the search back in
working order? I might stay with B2. If I started to be badly affected by a
glitch in B2 then I would switch but so far so good.

Although I don't remeber a lot of specifics there other processes that do
not work well in B2TR that might keep me at B2. Printing flexibility and
options were lost, if I remember correctly.

The time to switch all my betas (Office, Visio, Sharepoint) make me hesitant
to commit to that process if I will be buying the fix in two months. I have
no time during the week to do anything like this so big software projects
compete with family time over the weekend...

It must be said that those who frequent this forum have been such a help.
Thanks to all, Patrick especially. Can you imaging venturing forth into
beta-land without such a "OneNote Town Square" to come to when something
goofy happens? Or when you want opinions on something like the above question?

Jonathan Rawle

Grant Robertson

B?Sm9uYXRoYW4=?= <jonathan7zerozero7(use numbers) at yahew dot usual
domain> says...
and I take from these
messages that WDS3.0 does not work with the tech refresh.

I just stuck with the beta version of WDS that I think came out just
before the final full release version. I have 3.00.5486.0108 and it seems
to work fint with ON 08 B2TR.


I looked for my download file but no luck, so no version number in a
Properties box. No version number available in the WDS interface (it reports
my Windows v#) and the Control Panle tool has to drop down for v#. What was
the file name of the downoload? I may have missed it because of an arcane
file name.

BTW, Grant, you have always been pretty "plugged in" but how DID you get the
OneNote2008 beta? <grin>

....I have 3.00.5486.0108 and it seems to work fint with ON 08 B2TR.

Grant Robertson

B?Sm9uYXRoYW4=?= <jonathan7zerozero7(use numbers) at yahew dot usual
domain> says...
I looked for my download file but no luck, so no version number in a
Properties box. No version number available in the WDS interface (it reports
my Windows v#) and the Control Panle tool has to drop down for v#. What was
the file name of the downoload? I may have missed it because of an arcane
file name.

I had to go to Add/Remove Programs then click on the support info link to
get the version number.
BTW, Grant, you have always been pretty "plugged in" but how DID you get the
OneNote2008 beta? <grin>

...I have 3.00.5486.0108 and it seems to work fint with ON 08 B2TR.

If your fingers get tired then ON 07 automatically upgrades itself to ON
08. It's a pretty handy feature. ;^)


Q: Enough benefit in TR to make the upgrade fm B2?
A: Yes, especially if you have external links. It gets rid of the
HyperLinks warnings.


Thanks, Grant! That's the one I have. OK, I'll get to myself to the TR stage.
Or was the recent post correct about the ON2007 product headed to market now
(or in a week or so...)?

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

You won't get your hands on the RTM build until December 1 when the
trial versions go up.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed

"Jonathan" <jonathan7zerozero7(use numbers) at yahew dot usual domain>
wrote in message

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