Enquiry Page will not function




I have had problems with a website which has an enquiry page
(www.foremostbowls.co.uk). My hosting company can't explain why it doesnt
work properly and have tried altering all sorts of settings on the server.
The page was created in FP2000 in an identical manner in which I reated a
page for another site which works fine.

The message(You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that
requires a web server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to function

This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you publish
this web to a web server that has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed.)
seems to indicate that the problem is on the server. Any help in resolving
the issue would be appreciated...


Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

have your host recalculate/ reapply the FrontPage server extensions on the
web in question.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.


The error message has a very strong resemblance to the text on
Check your form by opening it in a browser and View Source.
If the action points to _derived/nortbots.htm then
nortbots.htm only appears in four cases:
1) You are testing on a disc-based website
2) You are testing on a website that does not have server extensions
installed or running
3) The site (or form page) was FTPed from a disc-based web, or
published using a FTP address for the destination. Publish must be to
a URL of the form http://example.com
4) There is a bug associated with FrontPage98 which causes this


Thanks for advice....I published to the url as you stated and I used
FP2000....I believe that the hosting company has reset the FP server
extensions without success...when they do this the site loses all it's
navigation buttons and I have to upload the site again....although the
enquiry page functions ok when the navigation bars are not visible prior to
re-uploading...I also asked them to just make available FP2000 server
extensions as i had probs with another site which wouldnt function properly
which had Fp2002 extensions available for a site created in 2000.....

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

sometimes when a person runs up against something like this the best thing
to do is use a better host.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

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