Just wanted to put a message out there regarding some issues I've been
having since
implementing Ent 2004 in our Exchange environment.
Now, the disclaimer for this message is that I do understand that a lot
of what I am
proposing or asking about here is quite "far out" and may be quite
unachievable. I
definitely am aware of that already, and would prefer that people don't
bother with the
"there's no way that's possible" type responses.
Maybe the only answer to this is that it is incorporated in a proper
update from MS? (we
can only pray!). But I am hoping that in the mean time there is someone
out there that can
help with any possible workarounds?
Now, first I have to say that we initially setup all our Macs with Ent
X connecting into
Exchange. With a few of our Mac clients having used Ent X for quite a
while for POP/SMTP
(before we got Exchange) and having a relatively stable / happy time
using it I thought it
would be the same connecting through to Exchange... *coughs*
But, I'm sure most of you are aware of the problems that Ent X has
connecting through to
Exchange - all the crashing, DB rebuilds required, etc etc... Not to
mention lack of functionality as compared to PC Outlook or even Mac
Outlook 2001 / OS 9... *coughs louder*
Anyways - when Ent 2004 came out + I was able to get my hands on a new
Exchange server
media kit (to get the Ent 2004 client installer for free!
) - I
eagerly went about
installing this because ANYTHING would be better for us than having to
put up with the
incompetence of Ent X.
OK - so Ent 2004 was installed and pretty much everyone has been happy
ever since. Except
Who happens to be a DIRECTOR of the company I work for and
as such needs to be kept happy
Now, this guy has a very large mail DB. Around 15,000 messages - with
the Sent Messages
folder alone containing around 9,000 messages. On top of the amount of
messages, he has a
large folder structure for all his client and internal mail to be
stored into.
All the other guys have smaller, much more managable DBs. But this one
guy has this large
DB, and basically the one thing that was good about Ent X was the fact
that it used IMAP
for Exchange connectivity. So, with using IMAP as compared to WebDAV in
Ent 2004 it didn't
need to constantly sync itself with the server and bring every new
message it found
straight away.
It worked more on an "on demand" basis. You click on a folder, and THEN
it would download
messages as required.
So, basically with the large mail DB it didn't have much of a problem.
It left each folder
alone (other than Inbox / Outbox, etc) and didn't worry about sync'n
until a "user action"
required it to.
Now, with all the great features of Ent 2004, the stability of the mail
DB, of it's
Exchange connectivity - the ONE great failing of it is it's use of
WebDAV which constantly
syncs EVERY folder (including all Public Folders) and brings down each
message the minute
it sees it there.
Now, in some ways this a good feature - if you are using a small, more
managable DB then
you will have no need to wait for server message downloads again - and
also Public Folder
viewing is nice and snappy, etc.
The BIG problem here with our friend with the large DB, is the fact
that his DB is so huge
that the cycle that Ent 2004 goes through with sync'n messages simply
takes FOREVER!
Up to 20 minutes he claims - altho I think that may be a bit
exagerrated. But, nevertheless
it takes a good chunk of time - and the whole issue is that the "Inbox"
folder is stuck within that sync and is only carried out ONCE within a
full cycle.
What this results in is a very long delay in received email actually
being shown / downloaded into the "Inbox". From this guy's POV this is
simply unacceptable - and quite understandably so.
Now, obviously there is a case here to say that this DB should simply
need to be cut down
with older messages archived, etc - which would of course solve the
problem - but this guy needs to carry out searches across these
messages often. So, they need to be very easily accesible. And also
need to be "protected", ie. part of our back up process.
Any of Entourage's archival options ("Export" menu feature or drag-drop
to Finder) are
nowhere near sufficient for the amount of messages, and the large
folder structure we are talking about here.
There are many, many workarounds I have thought of, but each brings
it's own pros + cons to
the table, and NOTHING is as good as keeping all the messages within
the single Exchange DB as it is - something that is accessible through
all clients (PC - Outlook, Mac - Ent 2004, Web - OWA) and is also kept
within the Exchange server for data protection / backup.
So, what I was thinking was - the ONLY way around this easily is simply
to make the Ent
2004 > Exchange sync process able to do any of the following:
1. Have the ability to flag EVERY folder within a mail DB as either "on
demand sync" or "always sync". So, basically all folders that aren't
needed to be constantly sync'd can be pushed to "on demand", and start
acting like Ent X IMAP / Exchange folders used to. This will largely
decrease the amount of time a sync takes and solve the issue.
Is there any reason why the switch to WebDAV in Ent 2004 would change
the possibility of this occuring as it used to in Ent X?
2. If the above isn't possible, then make an "Inbox" folder sync occur
at much
higher priorities, so that no matter how long the full sync takes,
messages are still being
received at regular intervals.
Why can't the "Inbox" folder just be constantly sync'n at the same time
as "main sync" process takes place?
Bandwidth issues? Surely not?!
Now, both the above seem to be quite low-level solutions that would
most probably need to become an MS Update to the actual code running
all these functions within the program.
The question is - how easy would these things be to implement for MS?
How could pressure be put on them to implement this in the next
Entourage update?
There are definitely no settings that can get this working within the
Entourage Prefs.
I understand there are MANY things out there on the wishlist for Ent
2004 - but this is a HUGE issue in my books. And as such it is a HUGE
issue with a rather simple fix just waiting to be implemented by MS...
(please MS!)
Are we expected to just have mail DBs with small folder structures and
HUNDREDS of messages rather than THOUSANDS? When at the same time an
Ent X / Exchange could handle this setup with no problem?
Or are we just expected to wait for this sync cycle to complete and
believe "20 minutes isn't that long a time, so it's OK?"
Or are we expected to just change back to using IMAP/SMTP protocols for
Exchange functionality and lose a lot of the other good things that
come with the Ent 2004 / WebDAV setup?
The organisation I work for is rather small + as such only ONE guy is
experiencing this - with the other mail DBs being much smaller. I would
expect this to be much more of a problem at a larger organisation.
It's quite strange I have heard nothing about this here?! Is anyone
else experiencing this? Or are they just putting up with it?
Is there, ANY way of getting the above noted options working by other
means? AppleScript? Some kind of changing of "internal software" prefs
that could somehow get this working how I wanted?
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
TIA + Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to put a message out there regarding some issues I've been
having since
implementing Ent 2004 in our Exchange environment.
Now, the disclaimer for this message is that I do understand that a lot
of what I am
proposing or asking about here is quite "far out" and may be quite
unachievable. I
definitely am aware of that already, and would prefer that people don't
bother with the
"there's no way that's possible" type responses.
Maybe the only answer to this is that it is incorporated in a proper
update from MS? (we
can only pray!). But I am hoping that in the mean time there is someone
out there that can
help with any possible workarounds?
Now, first I have to say that we initially setup all our Macs with Ent
X connecting into
Exchange. With a few of our Mac clients having used Ent X for quite a
while for POP/SMTP
(before we got Exchange) and having a relatively stable / happy time
using it I thought it
would be the same connecting through to Exchange... *coughs*
But, I'm sure most of you are aware of the problems that Ent X has
connecting through to
Exchange - all the crashing, DB rebuilds required, etc etc... Not to
mention lack of functionality as compared to PC Outlook or even Mac
Outlook 2001 / OS 9... *coughs louder*
Anyways - when Ent 2004 came out + I was able to get my hands on a new
Exchange server
media kit (to get the Ent 2004 client installer for free!
eagerly went about
installing this because ANYTHING would be better for us than having to
put up with the
incompetence of Ent X.
OK - so Ent 2004 was installed and pretty much everyone has been happy
ever since. Except
as such needs to be kept happy
Now, this guy has a very large mail DB. Around 15,000 messages - with
the Sent Messages
folder alone containing around 9,000 messages. On top of the amount of
messages, he has a
large folder structure for all his client and internal mail to be
stored into.
All the other guys have smaller, much more managable DBs. But this one
guy has this large
DB, and basically the one thing that was good about Ent X was the fact
that it used IMAP
for Exchange connectivity. So, with using IMAP as compared to WebDAV in
Ent 2004 it didn't
need to constantly sync itself with the server and bring every new
message it found
straight away.
It worked more on an "on demand" basis. You click on a folder, and THEN
it would download
messages as required.
So, basically with the large mail DB it didn't have much of a problem.
It left each folder
alone (other than Inbox / Outbox, etc) and didn't worry about sync'n
until a "user action"
required it to.
Now, with all the great features of Ent 2004, the stability of the mail
DB, of it's
Exchange connectivity - the ONE great failing of it is it's use of
WebDAV which constantly
syncs EVERY folder (including all Public Folders) and brings down each
message the minute
it sees it there.
Now, in some ways this a good feature - if you are using a small, more
managable DB then
you will have no need to wait for server message downloads again - and
also Public Folder
viewing is nice and snappy, etc.
The BIG problem here with our friend with the large DB, is the fact
that his DB is so huge
that the cycle that Ent 2004 goes through with sync'n messages simply
takes FOREVER!
Up to 20 minutes he claims - altho I think that may be a bit
exagerrated. But, nevertheless
it takes a good chunk of time - and the whole issue is that the "Inbox"
folder is stuck within that sync and is only carried out ONCE within a
full cycle.
What this results in is a very long delay in received email actually
being shown / downloaded into the "Inbox". From this guy's POV this is
simply unacceptable - and quite understandably so.
Now, obviously there is a case here to say that this DB should simply
need to be cut down
with older messages archived, etc - which would of course solve the
problem - but this guy needs to carry out searches across these
messages often. So, they need to be very easily accesible. And also
need to be "protected", ie. part of our back up process.
Any of Entourage's archival options ("Export" menu feature or drag-drop
to Finder) are
nowhere near sufficient for the amount of messages, and the large
folder structure we are talking about here.
There are many, many workarounds I have thought of, but each brings
it's own pros + cons to
the table, and NOTHING is as good as keeping all the messages within
the single Exchange DB as it is - something that is accessible through
all clients (PC - Outlook, Mac - Ent 2004, Web - OWA) and is also kept
within the Exchange server for data protection / backup.
So, what I was thinking was - the ONLY way around this easily is simply
to make the Ent
2004 > Exchange sync process able to do any of the following:
1. Have the ability to flag EVERY folder within a mail DB as either "on
demand sync" or "always sync". So, basically all folders that aren't
needed to be constantly sync'd can be pushed to "on demand", and start
acting like Ent X IMAP / Exchange folders used to. This will largely
decrease the amount of time a sync takes and solve the issue.
Is there any reason why the switch to WebDAV in Ent 2004 would change
the possibility of this occuring as it used to in Ent X?
2. If the above isn't possible, then make an "Inbox" folder sync occur
at much
higher priorities, so that no matter how long the full sync takes,
messages are still being
received at regular intervals.
Why can't the "Inbox" folder just be constantly sync'n at the same time
as "main sync" process takes place?
Bandwidth issues? Surely not?!
Now, both the above seem to be quite low-level solutions that would
most probably need to become an MS Update to the actual code running
all these functions within the program.
The question is - how easy would these things be to implement for MS?
How could pressure be put on them to implement this in the next
Entourage update?
There are definitely no settings that can get this working within the
Entourage Prefs.
I understand there are MANY things out there on the wishlist for Ent
2004 - but this is a HUGE issue in my books. And as such it is a HUGE
issue with a rather simple fix just waiting to be implemented by MS...
(please MS!)
Are we expected to just have mail DBs with small folder structures and
HUNDREDS of messages rather than THOUSANDS? When at the same time an
Ent X / Exchange could handle this setup with no problem?
Or are we just expected to wait for this sync cycle to complete and
believe "20 minutes isn't that long a time, so it's OK?"
Or are we expected to just change back to using IMAP/SMTP protocols for
Exchange functionality and lose a lot of the other good things that
come with the Ent 2004 / WebDAV setup?
The organisation I work for is rather small + as such only ONE guy is
experiencing this - with the other mail DBs being much smaller. I would
expect this to be much more of a problem at a larger organisation.
It's quite strange I have heard nothing about this here?! Is anyone
else experiencing this? Or are they just putting up with it?
Is there, ANY way of getting the above noted options working by other
means? AppleScript? Some kind of changing of "internal software" prefs
that could somehow get this working how I wanted?
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
TIA + Merry Christmas!