Ent08 Calendar Reminders Reduced Usefulness


Terry Veiga


I'm actually venting more than asking for assistance, however, as a recent
upgrader to Entourage08, I sorely miss the more useful pop up calendar
reminder in Ent04.

Specifically, the Ent04 reminders would indicate how much remaining time an
event had (live countdown, if you will) and was a lot easier on the eyes
than the tired purple haze gradient glass effects. As it now, Ent08
reminders only show an event's countdown timer at 60 mins or less. However,
after using Ent04, I've become accustomed to glancing at my reminders and
quickly seeing I have say 93 mins, 2.5 hrs or what have you. Unfortunatley,
now when I select the snooze on an Ent08 event, I actually have to "think"
about it for a second to make sure I select the correct amount of snooze
time. And who wants to think nowdays when you have a computer? :)

Thanks for hearing me out.

PS -- YES, I did actually submit a feature request to Microsoft regarding
this matter. :)

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