Enter data spreadsheet style


Brigitte P

A2002- I had to import data from a very old Fox Pro dbase Infection Control
Dbase that was in the following format:
Inf ID Bacteria Sens1 Sens2 Sens3 Sens4 ......
01 1.21 R S R ......
Which checks which bacteria is Resistant or Sensitive to which Antibiotic.
I normalized the Data by switching it to:
InfID 01
Bact 1.21 (name looked up from other table)
Antib. 1 (name looked up from other table)
Sens. R (or whatever, values from value list R, S, I).

The problem now is that the user would have to select every time one of the
31 Antibiotics and then the Sensetivity level by selecting either S, R or
whatever which could potentially require anything from 0 (no sensetivities)
to currently 64 keystrokes (buttonclicks) if all need to be selected. The
old database just showed the 31 options spreadsheet style and the user only
had to enter the Sens Letter when appropriate under the appropriate
medication. Of course, this limis the user to the 31 one options that may
increase in the future (with our overuse of Antibiotics). In my solution,
the user can enter in the Lookup table additional substances (Antibiotics)
that then should dynamically display in her data entry form for
sensitivities. Someplace I did see a sample of a database for entering
spreadsheet style, but can't find it anymore.
Any help/idea is greatly appreciated.
Brigitte P.

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