Enter Network Password -OMG!



Guys, I'm feeling the pain of Enter network password (ENP)!
A complete 48 hr weekend of hell trying this & that to resolve the ENP.

First, I'm OL2002 XP, running XP home edition. I can't receive any incomping
e-mails from POP3. One thing I can't get to work is in the registry solution
where checking the option "Replace permission entries on all child...." when
I click Apply and then OK, the check removes itself. Is this suppose to
happen or, maybe this is the root of my problems?

Anyone with any ideas, solutions or 'it's a shame' stories welcome to pitch




Hi Exwks

First things first... does the password ever work? If not, try your ISP's
webmail page (assuming they have one) or if not there are other ways to get
POP mail around the web, e.g. if you have a Yahoo mail account you can use
that to also pick up your POP mail. At least then you'll know if the problem
is with your Outlook or actually with your username/password/ISP/account/POP

Not saying for a moment the problem *isn't* Outlook, just trying to save you
a long, fruitless troubleshoot if it isn't.


Thanks for your advice. So far I've downloaded Office 2007 (free 60 day
trial) to see if the OL 02 was at fault and it looks as though you are 'right
on the money' with your thoughts.

If you can update me about how I can use my brand new Yahoo e-mail address
to find the mail sitting on the POP server in Freeserve land, I'd be very

I'm moving office and setting up a new website from 9 July and I would have
been scrapping the old e-mail address of 6 yrs and counting!

Many thanks,



Hi Techie Bird,

You were right! I contacted my ISP on their super ramped-up £1.00 per second
Technical Service line to be advised they had closed down the server (on
which my e-mail lived) for maintenance. Nice of them to let me know...

Anyway, after many swear words and caffeine injections, it turns out OL
wasn't the bad guy after all!

Longlive MSO, OL & BG!!

Thanks again for your help.

Kind regards,



This solution worked for me:
I experienced the same pop up issue requesting my ENP with Office 2007 /
Vista OS on Outlook every few seconds. I did a couple things that resolved
the issue. I had more than one email account listed in Outlook. I deleted one
of them and recreated the same account and deleted the former. Leaving only
the one account. Apparently this refreshes the email acount with new Vista /
Office 2007 settings.
Go to Tools in Outlook and click on Account Settings. You will see your
email accounts listed.
Hope this helps.

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