Enter Network Password, Outlook 2007, Vista.



Yes, I'm suffering from the awful, dreadful ENP pop-up. It's happening every
5 secs or so as long as Outlook is open. I've many of the posts relating to
this, I've looked at the usual KB articles - the portected storage system,
register entries, etc, they don't work, as many other people have already
discovered. Non of the KB articles actually covers Vista, or Office 2007
anyway. I even tried 'thundercells' suggestion (post 7/26/2007) didn't work,
either. I also tried JeePee's solution, but the register wouldn't let me add
the entry he suggests in his post (post 6/13/2007). But then again I am using
Vista, his solution was for XP.

The System has been working fine for past three months. The hateful, ENP
dialog started popping up yesterday, (no new software, downloads or
alterations). It has effectively disabled Outlook, which is now rendered
useless, as it will neither send nor receive emails and the popping up is
incessant. A situation far too many users have found themselves in, judging
by this forum.

I'm running Office 2007 under Vista Home Prem 32 bit. Please, has anybody -
anybody - found a solution that actually cures this problem? I'm now


Can I assume the deathly silence means that no-one has a solution to this
problem, not even Microsoft?


Try this -
I experienced the same pop up issue requesting my ENP with Office 2007 /
Vista OS on Outlook every few seconds. I did a couple things that resolved
the issue. I had more than one email account listed in Outlook. I deleted one
of them and recreated the same account and deleted the former. Leaving only
the one account. Apparently this refreshes the email acount with new Vista /
Office 2007 settings.
Go to Tools in Outlook and click on Account Settings. You will see your
email accounts listed.
Hope this helps.


Many thanks for your reply Ted, it's nice to know that someone out there is
actually reading these posts.

Anyway, since I posted on the 15th, (and got no replies/help) I've done much
searching on the internet looking for a solution. I found very little, so in
desperation went back over some previous ideas, (gleaned from scanning this
forum - thanks guys) and tried them again. In particular, I tried the "delete
protect" solution again. It goes like this, delete:


Apparently, the folder and its contents will regenerate when required. ( I
understand this is a Vista/O2K7 solution).

Anyway, on opening Outlook, the ENP reappeared, but this time minus any
password. I entered the password, OK'd, the ENP disappeared and Outlook
resumed normal service. I haven't had any trouble since.

This solution hadn't worked for me when I first tried it, but this time it
did (thank heavens!).

I hope never to the see the dreaded ENP again.


Milhouse Van Houten

Allan, doing that blows away all account passwords, right? Ted's idea would
do the same (deleting accounts), so I wonder if you're not both going about
the same thing different ways? Of course, why it didn't work for you the
first time (or many others, based on this problem carrying through from year
to year) is puzzling.

When this problem recurred for me this week, I was shocked, since I thought
it had been fixed in OL2007. Apparently not. The problem was reduced with
OL2003 SP2, but I did still see it occasionally with it as well as with
early OL2007 betas, but I didn't recall seeing it since. It's a little
stupid at this point.

I'll pass this along too, since I made note of it at the time, though I've
not tested it and am not sure if it's applicable for connections other than
Exchange (I use POP3):

I don't have any of the items there now, so I'll put 'em all in and see how
it goes. Of course, the problem can disappear for months at a time, so it
might be a while before I know if it works.

Most user find the popup messages about Exchange server messages, network
warnings & network connectivity is annoying after awhile, especially on busy
networks where there are frequent connectivity problems. While each user can
disable the alerts on their own, you can disable the alerts for all users
using a group policy or ADM file.

It's as simple as deploying a logon script that changes three registry
values found under

Change these values to 0:

By deploying these settings in an ADM file, with the default off rather than
on, users can change the setting, if they prefer to see the warnings.

Milhouse Van Houten

Well, I can now confirm that the settings below have no affect on the
problem in OL2007 as pertains to POP3 anyway.

Milhouse Van Houten

Well, I've now tried deleting and recreating the account, the Registry mods,
and deleting the Protect directory (make sure to reboot afterwards, since it
doesn't take effect until you do), and none of them worked.

MS, you need to fix this. Finally. If it's not already in SP1 (which is in a
brief beta and so should be out soon), then get it in.

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