Enter Network Password - Solved!



I, like many others, have been plagued by this bug for some time now. It's a
real pain as it stops Outlook from sending or downloading email. And, like
many others, I've tried all the various solutions and read the KB articles
routinely referenced, all of which came to nothing - it was both exhuasting
and frustrating. Finally though, I found something that worked for me, indeed
it's saved me from this curse twice now in the last eight months.

This solution works with OL 2007 and Vista (I can't vouch for other

The cure invloves deleting or renaming a folder, which you'll find at:

C:\users\<your account>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect

In the Protect folder will be another folder with a long serial number name
(others will be able to tell you what this does). Either rename it or delete
it. Outlook will automatically generate a new one and the ENP pop-up dialog
will go away and you should have full functionality restored.

I hope this helps you. If you have a different combination of software, then
you may find some of the other solutions posted elswhere in this forum will
help, do a search on "Enter Network Password" and I wish good luck.



Easily found with Google.<<
I don't doubt that for minute, but you'd be hard pressed to find that
solution on this site, or through the MS KB.

I'm only trying to be helpful, hence my post.


Yes, oh really! And I fully stand by what I said, Mr Tillman. Because I spent
quite some considerable time searching this site using the "search for" box
at the top of the page, which is how ordinary users would do a search in this
forum. It threw up some very intertesting posts, but nothing relating to the
actaul solution that eventually cured the problem. The MS KB also proved
unfruitful in this particular case, hence my post.

As for your search URL via Google, it's all very impressive and I'm sure it
works just fine, and I admit it isn't something I would have come up with,
nor I suspect the vast majority of people searching this site.

Now, if my initial post was in some way unwelcome, then I'm sorry. As I said
earlier, I was only trying to help by sharing something that helped me.

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