Enter Network Password



I just upgraded to Office 2003. Everything seems to work fine gut Outlook.
Running Win2k.

sometimes Outlook will not load from the desktop icon.

Main problem is that it keeps asking me for my "Network Password".

My network is working fine.

I input the password for my email and it keeps repeatedly asking for my
password eventhough what I enter is correct.

What settings have goten messed up during the install??



Maybe your Profile wasnt migrated correctly, perhaps try creating a new
Profile, add a new unicode data file, configure and test your accounts.

If neccessary also open your old OL2k data file within OL and if you wish
copy data from old to new. (Do NOT import)
Reason being, OL2003 unicode data file is apparently more robust and doesnt
have the size limitation that OL2k data file has


Tried creating a "new account". It all worked well, but it is still asking
for a "network Password".

Will not let me in. Keeps repeating the "Enter network password" prompt.


Is there a way to uninstall Outlook 2003 and keep using the original 2000
Outlook without loosing the other 2003 installs or Outlook data??



Creating a new account is not the same as Profile, You do that via the mail
icon in the control panel (with outlook closed)


Went to the Control panel and I am not seeing where to do this.
Where will I find this??



I think that I have forgotten to list some important info during this post.

I have the auto retrieve set up. I get the "Enter Ntwork Password" every
time it automatically looks for the email.

If I input my email password it goes and gets the mail. But it does not as
if I want to save the PW.

If I turn off the auto retrieve email and only hit Send/Receive it will not
get my email at all. No error messages, just no email.




I think at this stage I would run a detect repair and see if that cures the
manual send/receive option
(I'm assuming you have set the accounts to be included with this)

If the test accounts doesn't require you to enter a network password then
neither should the auto polling, you havent set this for less than 10
minutes have you?

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